
Презентации» Образование» HUMAN LOCOMOTION SYSTEM
 Supports the body
 Provides movement withSkeletal System
 Skeletal system is the supportive and protective system ofStructure of human skeleton
 Human skeleton is composed of bones andBone
 Outer cover of bones known as periosteum
 Periosteum provides growthRed and Yellow bone marrowsFormation of bone
 For bone formation and normal growth minerals suchTypes of bones
 1. Long bones:
 Ex: bones of legs, armsParts of Human Skeletal System
 Adult human contains 206 bones, in1. Skull
 Skull includes 22 bones 
 8 of them cranial,2. Trunk
 Trunk includes vertebral column, ribs, sternum, pelvic girdle andChest
 It protects heart and lungs that has 12 pairsPectoral girdle – плечевой пояс
 It includes 2 paired bones thatPelvic girdle – тазовый пояс
 It is connected to the lowerVertebral column is divided into 5 parts
 	Vertebral column is divided3. Extremites - конечности
 Extremites in other words appendages include upperb. Lower extremites:
 b. Lower extremites:
 	2 legs, include 30 bonesJoints
 Joint forms the junction between two or more bones
 ThereTypes of joints1. Immovable joint
 Jointed bones cannot move
 All cranial and facial2. Slightly movable joints
 Connected by cartilage or connective tissue
 Vertebrae3. Movable joints
 The bones in movable joints are connected toTypes of movable joints
 PivotJointsTypes of jointsDisorders and diseases of human skeletal system
 Fractures – is aTypes of fracturesOsteoporosisRheumatoid arthritisMuscular system
 Muscular system helps in the movement of body, innerHuman muscular systemTypes of muscular tissue
 There are 3 types of muscular tissue,1. Smooth muscle
 Each cell is long, sharp-ended with a single2.Skeletal or striated muscle
 Cells are long, cylindrical and multinuclear, i.e.Skeletal muscles cover the skeleton
 Skeletal muscles cover the skeleton
 They3.Cardiac muscle
 Cells are long, cylindrical, branched and with 1 nucleusStructure of muscles
 Skeletal muscle tissues are composed of bundle ofSkeletal muscle structureContraction of muscles
 Actin and myozin proteins slide on each otherMuscle contractionInteraction of muscles and skeleton
 Most skeletal muscles are attached toA flexor muscle causes a joint to bend. An extensor muscleLocomotion system outlines:
 1. Skeletal system 
 Bone formation,Locomotion system objectives
 Explain the general function of skeletal system. 
Locomotion system key terms

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Слайд 1
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Слайд 2
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Human Skeletal System Functions: Supports the body Provides movement with the help of muscles Protects inner organs Produces blood cells Stores minerals such as P (phosphorus) and Ca (calcium)

Слайд 3
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Skeletal System Skeletal system is the supportive and protective system of organisms There 2 types of skeletal system in organisms: Exoskeleton: seen mainly in invertebrates Endoskeleton: seen in vertebrates, sea stars, sponges

Слайд 4
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Structure of human skeleton Human skeleton is composed of bones and cartilage Bones are composed of cells known as osteocytes Osteocytes are arranged in circles and connected to each other by cytoplasmic bridges There is haversian canal between circles, it contains blood vessels and nerves Intracellular space is filled by matrix (ossein) that contain Ca, P, carbonate and protein. Cartilage is composed of cells chondrocytes

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Слайд 7
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Bone Outer cover of bones known as periosteum Periosteum provides growth in diameter and repair of bones There are 2 types of bone tissue: Compact: very dense and strong Spongy: porous and soft Space between bones is filled with bone marrow Red bone marrow: fills space between spongy bones and produces blood cells Yellow bone marrow: fills hollow interior space of bones

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Слайд 9
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Red and Yellow bone marrows

Слайд 10
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Formation of bone For bone formation and normal growth minerals such as Ca, P and vitamins A, C and D needed Deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets – рахит, A growth rate decreases, C causes weakness and disease scurvy – цинга Ca level in blood is regulated by hormones parathormone, released by parathyroid gland, and calcitonin, released by thyroid gland Parathormone: is secreted when Ca level is decreased in blood Calcitonin: is secreted when Ca level is increased from blood

Слайд 11
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Слайд 12
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Types of bones 1. Long bones: Ex: bones of legs, arms … 2. Flat bones: Ex: bones of skull, rib, patella … 3. Short bones: Ex” bones of vertebrae, hand, fingers, foot …

Слайд 13
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Parts of Human Skeletal System Adult human contains 206 bones, in babies it is approximately 300 Skeleton parts: Skull Trunk Extremites

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Слайд 15
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1. Skull Skull includes 22 bones 8 of them cranial, 14 are facial bones Cranial bones are fused to each other and immovable

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Слайд 17
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2. Trunk Trunk includes vertebral column, ribs, sternum, pelvic girdle and pectoral girdle Vertebral column: Vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae Between each vertebrae there is cartilaginous disc, and vertebral column is slightly movable Vertebral column protects spinal cord Upper end connected to Skull, lower end to Sacrum

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Слайд 19
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Chest Chest It protects heart and lungs that has 12 pairs of ribs and a sternum. All ribs are connected to vertebrae on the back side. Ribs are connected to sternum in the abdomen. But 11th and 12th ribs are free floating ribs.

Слайд 20
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Pectoral girdle – плечевой пояс It includes 2 paired bones that hold up arms: Clavicle Scapula

Слайд 21
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Pelvic girdle – тазовый пояс It is connected to the lower end of vertebral column (sacrum) It holds legs and reproductive organs Includes: Ilium Ischium Pubis

Слайд 22
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Vertebral column is divided into 5 parts Vertebral column is divided into 5 parts 1. Cervical or neck – 7 vertebrae 2. Thoracic – 12 vertebrae 3. Lumbar – 5 vertebrae (largest) 4. Sacral – 5 fused vertebrae 5. Coccyx or tailbone – 3 to 5 fused vertebrae

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Слайд 25
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3. Extremites - конечности Extremites in other words appendages include upper extremites and lower extremites a. Upper: 2 arms and include 30 bones each, bones: Humerus 1*2 Ulna 1*2 Radius 1*2 Carpals 8*2 Metacarpals 5*2 Phalanges 14*2

Слайд 26
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b. Lower extremites: b. Lower extremites: 2 legs, include 30 bones each, bones: Femur 1*2 Patella 1*2 Tibia 1*2 Fibula 1*2 Tarsals 7*2 Metatarsals 5*2 Phalanges 14*2

Слайд 27
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Слайд 28
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Joints Joint forms the junction between two or more bones There are three types of joints; Immovable joints Slightly movable joints Movable joints

Слайд 29
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Types of joints

Слайд 30
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1. Immovable joint Jointed bones cannot move All cranial and facial bones except mandible and sacrum are immovable There is no synovial fluid between bones

Слайд 31
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2. Slightly movable joints Connected by cartilage or connective tissue Vertebrae are connected by cartilage and ribs to sternum also connected by cartilage

Слайд 32
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3. Movable joints The bones in movable joints are connected to each other by ligaments (very strong connective tissue fibers). There is a synovial fluid and cartilage in movable joints which reduce friction.

Слайд 33
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Types of movable joints Ball-and-socket Hinge Pivot

Слайд 34
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Слайд 35
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Types of joints

Слайд 36
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Disorders and diseases of human skeletal system Fractures – is a broken bone because of high physical impact or some other bone disorders Osteoporosis – disease which occurs when there is not enough deposition of calcium in bones and because of that bones get weaker Rheumatoid arthritis – occurs when cells of immune system attack the tissues around joints causing the tissue become inflamed

Слайд 37
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Types of fractures

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Слайд 39
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Rheumatoid arthritis

Слайд 40
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Muscular system Muscular system helps in the movement of body, inner organs and also helps in protection of body organs The units of muscular system are cells known as myofibrils Myofibrils have the ability to contract and relax

Слайд 41
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Human muscular system

Слайд 42
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Слайд 43
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Types of muscular tissue There are 3 types of muscular tissue, they are: Smooth muscle Skeletal muscle Cardiac muscle

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Слайд 45
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1. Smooth muscle Each cell is long, sharp-ended with a single central nucleus Smooth muscles generally regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), i.e. we cannot control them (!) They function involuntarily and movement is generally irregular and slow They are found in the walls of inner organs, like stomach, intestine, blood vessels, urinary bladder etc.

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Слайд 47
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2.Skeletal or striated muscle Cells are long, cylindrical and multinuclear, i.e. have many nucleuses They are also termed as muscle fibers, because they are not branched The structure of skeletal muscles: Muscle bundles, muscle fibers, myofilaments (actin and myozin proteins)

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Слайд 49
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Skeletal muscles cover the skeleton Skeletal muscles cover the skeleton They provide movement of skeleton, and mainly they are antagonistic It is controlled by Somatic Nervous System (SNS) It contracts rapidly When it is overworked, maximal potential power is used, it gets hardened and this state is called as tetanus (судороги)

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Слайд 51
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3.Cardiac muscle Cells are long, cylindrical, branched and with 1 nucleus in the center of the cell They have more mitochondria than skeletal muscles Each cell is rich in blood and lymph vessels As skeletal muscles they are rapid and because of its significant structure tetanus is not seen They are controlled by ANS and function involuntarily

Слайд 52
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Слайд 53
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Structure of muscles Skeletal muscle tissues are composed of bundle of muscle fibers, and muscle fibers are bundles of myofibrils Myofibrils are divided into sarcomeres, the contraction units Sarcomere contracts and relaxes by means of actin and myozin proteins

Слайд 54
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Skeletal muscle structure

Слайд 55
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Contraction of muscles Actin and myozin proteins slide on each other and sarcomere shorten For muscle contraction big amounts of energy and Ca2+ ions are needed During contraction, CREATIN PHOSPHATE (which supplies 20 times more energy than ATP) is used as the primary energy source, ATP is used as the secondary. During relaxation only ATP is used

Слайд 56
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Muscle contraction

Слайд 57
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Interaction of muscles and skeleton Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by strips of dense connective tissue called tendons. Bones are connected each other at joints by means of fibrous connective tissue – ligaments.

Слайд 58
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A flexor muscle causes a joint to bend. An extensor muscle causes a joint to straighten. A flexor muscle causes a joint to bend. An extensor muscle causes a joint to straighten.

Слайд 59
Описание слайда:
Locomotion system outlines: 1. Skeletal system Functions Structure Bone formation, growth and types Parts of human skeleton Joints Disorders and diseases of skeletal system 2. Muscular system Functions Types of muscle tissue Structure of muscles Muscle contraction Interaction of muscles and skeleton

Слайд 60
Описание слайда:
Locomotion system objectives Explain the general function of skeletal system. List the bones according to their shape Describe the general structure of bones, and list the functions of its parts. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons, and name the major parts of each. Locate and identify the bones and major features of the bones that comprise the skull, vertebral column, rib cage, pectoral girdle, upper limb, pelvic girdle, lower limb. List the three classes of joints describe their characteristics, and name an example of each. Explain how skeletal muscles produce movements at joints, and identify several types of such movements. Explain some metabolic and endocrine diseases of bones and skeletal system. Name the major parts of a skeletal muscle fiber, and describe the function of each. Explain the contraction mechanism of skeletal muscle. Explain how the muscle fiber contraction mechanism obtains energy. Describe how oxygen dept develops and how a muscle may become fatigued. Compare the structure of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. Explain some inflammatory diseases of muscles. Understand how muscle system helps other body systems and the relation between muscle and other body systems

Слайд 61
Описание слайда:
Locomotion system key terms

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