Phobias in psychology презентация

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Phobias in psychology The presentation was made by a 2nd year student of group PSD/s-18-2-o Shportenko Alexandra

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The feeling of fear is an internal tension that lasts for a certain amount of time. People's fears are manifested in different ways, but usually at the moment of panic, the feeling of fear prevails over other feelings, and the person ceases to control his own body. Phobia is a constant irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity that a person feels compelled to avoid. Phobias can interfere with your ability to work, communicate, and engage in daily routines.

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Symptoms of phobias: Feeling of panic, fear, horror * Recognizing that fear transcends normal boundaries and the real threat of danger * Reactions that are automatic and uncontrolled, almost capturing a person's thoughts * Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling, and an overwhelming desire to run away from the situation-all physical reactions associated with extreme fear * Extreme measures taken to avoid a dangerous object or situation.

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The most common phobias: Nyctophobia (fear of the dark) The most popular fear of our time, which has no age or gender restrictions. Eight out of ten children have a fear of the dark; after the age of 18, ten out of a hundred admit to their fear of nightfall. Nyctophobia manifests itself in the form of a panic state, not in front of the darkness itself, but with the terrible pictures that the patient's imagination draws on its background. If the fear of the dark does not go away when growing up.

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Acrophobia (fear of heights) Fear of heights – the second most popular, it affects the psyche of more than 7% of the world's population. Acrophobia manifests itself as an unaccountable anxiety in situations that provoke neurosis: air travel, traveling by cable car, looking out of the window of a high-rise building. According to patients, during panic attacks, they can not control their thoughts or actions, and some people struggle with an obsessive desire to jump down, although in everyday life there is no tendency to suicidal actions in such people.

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Aerophobia (fear of flying planes) The fear of flying planes complicates the life of every tenth air passenger. The disorder manifests itself in the form of anxiety, fear of a possible disaster. Sometimes it is provoked by other phobias – fear of heights or thanatophobia (fear of death). The first symptoms of aerophobia-tension, vomiting, headache-begin before the flight and reach their apogee during takeoff, accompanied by panic attacks and an unaccountable desire to leave the transport.

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Claustrophobia (fear of confined space) The clearest example of claustrophobia is the fear of traveling in an Elevator. Sufferers of this disorder experience a range of negative emotions in confined spaces – from a slight increase in heart rate to fainting States. According to statistics, about 5-7% of the World's population suffer from a severe form of claustrophobia, accompanied by panic attacks.

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Phobia and fear are similar, but fear is a natural protective function of the psyche, and phobia is its deviation. A person may experience an unaccountable, unreasoning fear, accompanied by neurotic symptoms (sweating, shivering, chills), before everyday events – for example, a trip on the subway, meeting a dog.

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