Dydrogesterone versus micronized progesterone презентация

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Описание слайда:
Dydrogesterone versus Micronized Progesterone

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Описание слайда:
Dydrogesterone versus Micronized Progesterone Receptor Selectivity Dydrogesterone is selective for the progesterone receptor, avoiding other receptor‑related side effects1–4

Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
Dydrogesterone versus Micronized Progesterone Receptor Affinity

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Dydrogesterone versus Micronized Progesterone Bioavailability and Oral Administration

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Dydrogesterone versus Vaginal Micronized Progesterone Absorption and Plasma Levels

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Dydrogesterone versus Vaginal Micronized Progesterone Safety and Tolerability Both oral and vaginal micronized progesterone are metabolized by the liver1,2 Progesterone is associated with a risk of cholestasis in pregnancy, therefore it is only licensed in the UK for use up to Week 12 of gestation in ART/IVF and only by the vaginal route It is estimated that more than 10 million pregnancies have been exposed to dydrogesterone. So far, there have been no indications of a harmful effect of dydrogesterone use during pregnancy3,4 A randomized controlled trial in 853 infertile women compared the efficacy and tolerability of 20 mg/day oral dydrogesterone and 90 mg 8% vaginal progesterone gel used for luteal support. Numerically more local side effects occurred in the progesterone group compared to the dydrogesterone group5

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Описание слайда:
Dydrogesterone versus Vaginal Micronized Progesterone Preference and Acceptability In studies that compared oral versus vaginal formulations of non‑progestin drugs, women prefer to use oral formulations than vaginal ones1,2 Application of vaginal tablets requires a private, clean room; whereas tablets can be taken orally, anywhere

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Описание слайда:
Conclusions Dydrogesterone Is produced from a natural source1 like other progestogens Is very similar to progesterone, but has enhanced oral bioavailability2,3 Is highly selective and has a high affinity for progesterone receptors2,3 Is metabolized into compounds that are either progestogenic or inactive2,3 Has a fast onset of action and long, stable effect4 Is well tolerated and has a favorable safety profile in all approved indications, including pregnancy4–9 Note: the effectiveness and safety records of dydrogesterone are based on the body of evidence for treatment of threatened5,6,10,11 and recurrent miscarriage7

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