Philosophy of religion. Middle ages philosophy презентация

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Religion: Development of the main concepts of Islam and Christianity Religion was state ideology All European texts on science (pre-scientific) and philosophy were written on Latin language, so only minority could read them World outlook: limited to agriculture and church

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Specific of Philosophy With religious faith had to provide rational grounds for religious dogmas Theism – god created world out of nothing Theocentrism – the God is in the center and is a source of goodness, beauty and harmony Creationism – world was created by God Providentialism – God rules the world, He knows everything Revelationism – cognition is possible only according to Holy Bible & other sacred texts

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Synthesis of two traditions Ancient Greec Philosophy

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Gnostics (II-III cent.) World dualism: struggle between evil and good (matter – the source of evil; God – the source of good) Theodicy – justification of God and existence of evil (Creator and Expiator) Cognition of God can be possible only with the help of coming in the state of ecstasy (not by rational thinking)

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Apologists (protection from heresy) Faith can`t be combined with reasoning “ I believe because it`s absurd” (Tertullian) God determine everything, that’s why man has to know only one thing – the “Gospel”

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Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Neoplatonism “I believe in order that I may understand” (reason is useful for those who already have faith)

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Opposition of “ City of God” (church) & “City of evil” (material human`s world) Opposition of “ City of God” (church) & “City of evil” (material human`s world)

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Thomas Aquinas (1220-1292) Authorative philosophy of the Catholic church – “Thomism” Faith and reason cannot conflict, but faith is always primary Human virtues: wisdom, courage, moderation (frugality), justice, faith, hope, love

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5 proves of God existence (by Aquinas) Immovable mover First cause Primer necessity Teleological (final aim) Highest state of perfection

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Problem of Universals Realists

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Reformation XVI century

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Martin Luther (1483-1546) Father of Reformation & Protestantism

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confronted indulgence salesman Johann Tetzel with his Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 (strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money) Translated Bible from Latin in to German

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Thank you! by Natalya Spitsa

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