Synthetic theory of evolution презентация

Synthetic theory  of  evolutionMain provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions
 1. The view consistsMain provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions
 4. The Mutation process,Main provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions
 7. Evolution is divergent,Main provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions
 9. Macroevolution, evolution atThanks for  your  attention

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Synthetic theory of evolution

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Main provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions 1. The view consists of many morphologically, biochemically, ecologically and genetically distinct, but reproductively not isolated units-populations and subspecies. 2. Exchange of alleles is possible only within the species, the species is a genetically complete and closed system. 3. Material for evolution are changes heredity-mutations, through sexual reproduction, mutations spread within the population.

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Main provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions 4. The Mutation process, population waves, gene drift, isolation – factors that supply material for selection – are random and non – directional. 5. The only guiding factor of evolution – natural selection. 6. The Smallest evolutionary unit is the population, not the individual.

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Main provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions 7. Evolution is divergent, one taxon can become the ancestor of several child taxa. 8. Evolution is gradual (sometime sudden) and prolonged character. Speciation is a gradual change in the gene pool of a population that ends in reproduction isolation.

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Main provisions of the synthetic theory evolutions 9. Macroevolution, evolution at the level above the species, is only by microevolution. 10. Evolution is not directed to any purpose, evolution is not directed, but predictable. By evaluating the possible influence of the environment, you can predict the General direction of evolution.

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