My future profession презентация

My future professionThere are a lot of interesting and useful professions.I am goingThe profession of an teacher
 To give good knowledge
 ToYour profession is    your …..

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My future profession

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Слайд 4
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There are a lot of interesting and useful professions.I am going to become a teacher.English teacher.I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadoys. There are a lot of interesting and useful professions.I am going to become a teacher.English teacher.I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadoys. Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people.Of course,the profession of ateacher is not an easy one.It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience.But I hope that will be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.

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Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
The profession of an teacher Important To give good knowledge To educate children To understand To be demanding To be alwais in good in a good mood To be well educated,strict but fair

Слайд 7
Описание слайда:
Your profession is your …..

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