ANTISEPSIS презентация


 A.-is complex treatment measures aimed at killing pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganismsAntisepsis is a treatment method of a surgical infection, while asepsisThe most clinically important type of microorganisms causing surgical infections –A LOCAL INFECTION is limited to the specific part of theWhen a culture of the person's blood reveals microorganisms, the conditionACUTE INFECTION generally appear suddenly or lasts a short time. NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION classified as infection that is associated with the deliveryFactors that contribute to nosocomial infection risks are:
 Factors that contributeTYPES OF ANTISEPSIS:
    Elimination of necroses,MECHANICAL ANTISEPSIS
 Sterile technique
 Wound examination and debridement
 Physical factors are an important part of modern methodsPHYSICAL ANTISEPSIS
 Physical antisepsis includes the following methods: 
 		By hygroscopic drapes and drainage tubes theyTYPES OF ANTISEPSIS:
 		3. Chemical antisepsis
 It may have local andANTISEPTICS - REQUIREMENTS 
 1. Bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. 
 Iodine (waterbased or spiritbased solutions) – is used forOxydizers – in contact with tissues liberates O2 : 
 OxydizersAlcohols (ethyl spirit, isopropyl spirit)
 Alcohols (ethyl spirit, isopropyl spirit)
 		4. Biologic – when specific treatment with drugsTYPES OF ANTISEPSIS:
 5. Mixed– in combination of action of several

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Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
ANTISEPSIS A.-is complex treatment measures aimed at killing pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms in the wound or the whole human body

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
Antisepsis is a treatment method of a surgical infection, while asepsis is above all method of infection prophylaxis

Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
The most clinically important type of microorganisms causing surgical infections – BACTERIA The most clinically important type of microorganisms causing surgical infections – BACTERIA

Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
A LOCAL INFECTION is limited to the specific part of the body where the microorganisms remain. If the microorganisms spread and damage different parts of the body, it is a SYSTEMIC INFECTION.

Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
When a culture of the person's blood reveals microorganisms, the condition is called BACTEREMIA. When a culture of the person's blood reveals microorganisms, the condition is called BACTEREMIA. When bacteremia results in systemic infection, it is referred to as SEPTICEMIA.

Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
ACUTE INFECTION generally appear suddenly or lasts a short time. ACUTE INFECTION generally appear suddenly or lasts a short time. A CHRONIC INFECTION may occurs slowly, over a very long period, and may lasts months or years.

Слайд 7
Описание слайда:
NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION classified as infection that is associated with the delivery of health care services in a health care facility. The incidence of nosocomial infections is significant. Major sites for these infections are: RESPIRATORY AND URINARY TRACTS, BLOODSTREAM WOUNDS.

Слайд 8
Описание слайда:
Factors that contribute to nosocomial infection risks are: Factors that contribute to nosocomial infection risks are: invasive procedures, inappropriate use of antibiotics, insufficient hand washing after patient contact and after contact with body substances.

Слайд 9
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF ANTISEPSIS: 1. MECHANICAL Elimination of necroses, evacuates hematomas, extracts foreign bodies, thus liquidating favorable conditions for bacterial growth with handle manipulations

Слайд 10
Описание слайда:
MECHANICAL ANTISEPSIS Sterile technique Anesthesia Wound examination and debridement Removing of necrotic tissues Hemostasis Repairing of anatomical structures Draining and “dead space” obliteration Wound closure

Слайд 11
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF ANTISEPSIS 2. PHYSICAL ANTISEPSIS Creating of unfavorable conditions in the wound for bacterial growth, reduction of toxins and tissue degradation products absorption by physical methods.

Слайд 12
Описание слайда:
PHYSICAL ANTISEPSIS Physical factors are an important part of modern methods of treatment of wounds & inflammatory processes. The agents of this type of antisepsis are: light, heat, sound waves, phenomenon of hygroscopicity.

Слайд 13
Описание слайда:
PHYSICAL ANTISEPSIS Physical antisepsis includes the following methods: application of hygroscopic dressing material; hypertonic solutions (5-10% solutions of NaCl); draining; usage of sorbents; usage of laser, UV & X-rays, US etc.

Слайд 14
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF PHYSICAL ANTISEPSIS By hygroscopic drapes and drainage tubes they accelerate the evacuation of the wound containment and bacteria Open treatment of wounds – face burns – open air makes the wound dry and stops bacterial growth. The same effect have Ultraviolet exposition and Physiotherapeutic procedures

Слайд 15
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF ANTISEPSIS: 3. Chemical antisepsis It may have local and general mode of action when antibacterial drugs (antiseptics) applied through a wound or in a bloodstream

Слайд 16
Описание слайда:
ANTISEPTICS - REQUIREMENTS 1. Bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. 2. Nontoxic for cells tissues, organs. 3. To act in contact with live tissues. 4. To be stable – not to evaporate 5. To be affordable – not very expensive 7. Not to oppose local defense and regeneration mechanisms 8. To be easy for storage.

Слайд 17
Описание слайда:
ANTISEPTICS Halogens: Iodine (waterbased or spiritbased solutions) – is used for treatment of wounds Hibitane – 20% water solution of chlorine-hexidine gluconate. Strong bactericidal effect. For lavage of abscess cavities, infected wounds. For disinfection of skin.

Слайд 18
Описание слайда:
Oxydizers – in contact with tissues liberates O2 : Oxydizers – in contact with tissues liberates O2 : Hydrogen Peroxide– 3% aqueous solution of Hydrogen Peroxide. It has weak bactericidal effect. Used for mechanical wound cleansing like foam, in anaerobic infections. КМnО4 – violet crystals, easily dispersible. 1% solution with good bactericidal action. For lavage in proctology and gynecology especially for anaerobic infections.

Слайд 19
Описание слайда:
Alcohols (ethyl spirit, isopropyl spirit) Alcohols (ethyl spirit, isopropyl spirit) Used as a solvent for other disinfectants and antiseptics; Most commonly used skin antiseptic; Irritating to tissues and painful on open wounds; Repeated use dries skin; Forms coagulum in presence of tissue fluid

Слайд 20
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF ANTISEPSIS: 4. Biologic – when specific treatment with drugs of biological nature is maintained: Antibiotics; Bacteriofages; Anatoxines; Immune-globulin application – when transfusion of plasma and blood is performed; Proteolytic ferments (hemotripsine) for lesion of devitalized tissues.

Слайд 21
Описание слайда:
TYPES OF ANTISEPSIS: 5. Mixed– in combination of action of several curative factors on bacterial cell and macro-organisms Primary surgical management is a combination of a mechanical manipulations, physical factors and chemical antiseptics

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