Architecture Of Great Britain презентация

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Architecture Of Great Britain Makov Andrew, DP-19

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Influence of British architecture on modern housing construction

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Gothic The Gothic style of England appeared quite early — at the end of the XII century. and lasted until the XVI century. Poor urban development led to the fact that the Gothic Cathedral became not a city temple, but a monastery, surrounded by fields and meadows. Hence, obviously, its" sprawl " horizontally, stretching in width, the presence of several extensions. The dominant feature of the Cathedral is a huge tower, tiered, rectangular, with a flat roof.

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Tudor Style In fact, the Tudor style is late Gothic. It differs from the usual one in that it is the only platform on which the Italian Baroque has more or less managed to realize itself in the UK: Tudor buildings and temples have an elongated and narrow silhouette, but the sharp, pretentious decor characteristic of the Baroque.

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Timber framing In contrast to the others, the half-timbered style of construction is mainly individual houses for housing. These are light houses of Old Europe, the wooden frame of which is not hidden by plaster. It is because of the comfort created and a solid niche in history, it occupies a significant place in modern house construction.

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Georgian style The style that preceded the predictable changes of the industrial revolution: the appearance of minimalism, art Nouveau, art Deco. Why strict English pretentiousness has thrown off a lot of details. The houses were simple, symmetrical, and squat. The decor took a back seat and was mainly reflected in the decoration of windows with doors: arches, frames and pilasters. In essence, the Georgian style is a simplified, sharp-featured classic.

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Classicism Christopher Wren created a national version of classicism-sober, bourgeois restrained, with a fairly free use of the order system.The buildings of Wren logically included the Baroque siluets of the towers (the Western towers of the Cathedral of St. St. Paul's) and the sharp spires of the parish churches, resembling Gothic roofs-tents of the Normans.

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Palladianism Balustrades were used in palladianism, copying much of the Renaissance style. More often, it was used to limit the space on the roof of a building. House of Palladian style were built with the use of the rustication and arcades.A portico rising above the plinth became a common phenomenon in the construction of facades.

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Architecture of the industrial revolution period The architectural image of the country began to be shaped not by architects, but by rational engineers.There were no town planning laws. The streets of English cities are filled with unsightly rows of two-story brick houses-a kitchen with a coal stove at the bottom, exits to the street and to the mini-garden, and above-the only living room on all.

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Neo-gothic In the nineteenth century, a dispute arose between the English, French, and Germans as to where European Gothic originated. But the first place in restoring the forms of medieval architecture was taken by great Britain. New engineering achievements were used while preserving the medieval Gothic forms. Thus arose the neo-Gothic of the XIX century. In the era of Queen Victoria, the British Empire, both in the mother country and in the colonies, carried out mass development in the neo-Gothic style, officially supported by the bourgeois government.

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Modern architecture.Modernism Modernism emerged before the First world war and came from continental Europe. This art direction caused considerable interest for some English architects. The arrival of foreign architects such as Mendelssohn and Lubetkin established the position of modern architecture in England

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Postmodernism Postmodern architecture was also an attempt to enrich modern architecture. The style came into Vogue in the 1980-ies, when associated with the welfare state modernism is out of date. This style is worn by many shopping centers and office complexes, such as Broadgate.

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