CSR practices of Unilever презентация

CSR practices of Unilever
 Shalamberidze S., BMN-156Methodology:
 Analysis of recourses & company’s data
 Analysis of case studyAbout the company:
 3rd largest consumer products company
 169 000 employees
Unilever brands (400):History of the company:
 In the early 1870s, at the Netherlands,CSR practices of Unilever
 The goal was to double revenues from $40 billion toReferences
 Unilever official website – Our position on [E-source] – URL:

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Описание слайда:
CSR practices of Unilever Shalamberidze S., BMN-156

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Описание слайда:
Methodology: Analysis of recourses & company’s data Analysis of case study

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About the company: 3rd largest consumer products company 169 000 employees Stakeholders include consumers, employees, investors, suppliers, and communities Main focus of CSR - climate change; food security; water, sanitation & hygiene

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Unilever brands (400):

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History of the company: In the early 1870s, at the Netherlands, Jurgens and Van den Bergh become interested in a new product made from beef fat and milk – margarine (1898 – Vitello) 1884 - Lever & Co starts producing Sunlight soap (1890 - Lever Brothers Ltd.) 1886 - Knorr launches soup tablets with meat extract 1904 - Lever Brothers launch Vim, one of the first scouring powders 1913 - Leading businesses in Europe join forces to create the Whale Oil Pool 1927 - Jurgens and Van den Bergh create Margarine Unie - the Margarine Union 1929 - Lever Brothers and Margarine Unie sign an agreement to create Unilever

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CSR practices of Unilever Positive

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Why? The goal was to double revenues from $40 billion to $80 billion Oxfam’s findings, published in 2013, showed that factories routinely ignored Unilever’s stated principles, including Polman’s dictate of paying workers decently So even it was promised not to use palm oil from cleared forests, company was not able to stop the deforestation

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Описание слайда:
References Unilever official website – Our position on [E-source] – URL: https://www.unilever.ru/about/our-position-on/ (Date of access: 11.09.2017) Unilever official website – Official documents [E-source] – URL: https://www.unilever.ru/Images/3infolabor12article_tcm1315-485039_ru.pdf (Date of access: 12.09.2017) Forbes – Unilever and the failure of CSR [E-source] – URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/econostats/2017/03/15/unilever-and-the-failure-of-corporate-social-responsibility/#51d774c3498d (Date of access: 07.09.2017) The Guardian –Oxfam multinational companies failing CSR [E-source] – URL: https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/oxfam-multinational-companies-failing-csr (Date of access: 07.09.2017) Sustaincase – Case study. How Unilever is acting on climate change by eliminating deforestation [E-source] – URL: https://sustaincase.com/case-study-how-unilever-is-acting-on-climate-change-by-eliminating-deforestation-2/ (Date of access: 11.09.2017)

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