Communication psychology презентация

Communication psychology
 Prepared by A. StrigunovaPsychology
 Psychology is the science of the laws of development andCommunication
 Communication is a complex multi-faceted process of establishing and developingCommunication competence
 Communication is a process of two-way exchange of informationThe reasons for poor communication :
 a) stereotypes-simplified opinions about individualsCommunication strategies:
 open – closed communication;
 role-based (based on

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Communication psychology Prepared by A. Strigunova

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Psychology Psychology is the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. Psychology is the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. Scientific psychology is a system of theoretical (conceptual), methodological and experimental properties of cognition and research of mental phenomena

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Communication Communication is a complex multi-faceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal communication) and groups (intergroup communication), generated by the needs of joint activities and including at least three different processes: communication (exchange of information), interaction (exchange of actions) and social perception (perception and understanding of the partner).

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Communication competence Communication is a process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding Communication in Latin means common, shared with all.

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The reasons for poor communication : a) stereotypes-simplified opinions about individuals or situations, as a result, there is no objective analysis and understanding of people, situations, problems; b) preconceived ideas-a tendency to reject everything that contradicts your own views, what is new, unusual; c) bad relations between people, because if a person's attitude is hostile, it is difficult to convince them of the justice of your view;

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Communication strategies: open – closed communication; monological-Dialogic; role-based (based on the social role) - personal (heart-to-heart communication).

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