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Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine. A person who cannot stop taking a particular drug or chemical has a substance dependence.

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Drug addiction and drug misuse are different. Misuse refers to the incorrect, excessive, or non-therapeutic use of body- and mind-altering substances. However, not everybody that misuses a substance has an addiction. Addiction is the long-term inability to moderate or cease intake.

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Soacial effects of Drug abuse Isolation. Isolation is the most common social effect of drug abuse. Financial. depending upon the drug of choice, the financial strain can be devastating. Relationship. close connecrions to the drug abuser are affected. Family. social effects pn the family can be felt long after the addiction.

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is drug abuse a socail issue? Drug abuse also plays a role in many major social problems, such as a.DRUGGED DRIVING, b.VIOLENCE, STRESS AND c.CHILD ABUSE. Drug abuse can lead to; a.homelessness, b.crime, c.missed work.

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Negetive effects of drug addiction The primary indications of addiction are: uncontrollably seeking drugs uncontrollably engaging in harmful levels of habit-forming behavior neglecting or losing interest in activities that do not involve the harmful substance or behavior

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relationship difficulties, which often involve lashing out at people who identify the dependency an inability to stop using a drug, though it may be causing health problems or personal problems, such as issues with employment or relationships hiding substances or behaviors and otherwise exercising secrecy, for example, by refusing to explain injuries that occurred while under the influence

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profound changes in appearance, including a noticeable abandonment of hygiene increased risk-taking, both to access the substance or activity and while using it or engaging in it

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Withdrawal When a person has an addiction, and they stop taking the substance or engaging in the behavior, they may experience certain symptoms. These symptoms include: anxiety irritability tremors and shaking

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cont. nausea vomiting fatigue a loss of appetite If a person has regularly used alcohol or benzodiazepines, and they stop suddenly or without medical supervision, withdrawal can be fatal.

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Treatment Medicinal advances and progress in diagnosing have helped the medical community develop various ways to manage and resolve addiction. Methods include: behavioral therapy and counseling medication and drug-based treatment medical devices to treat withdrawal

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cont. treating related psychological factors, such as depression ongoing care to reduce the risk of relapse Addiction treatment is highly personalized and often requires the support of the individual’s community or family. Treatment can take a long time and may be complicated. Addiction is a chronic condition with a range of psychological and physical effects.

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