Education system in Ireland презентация

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Education system in Ireland Finished: Protodyakonova Diana, Shestakova Sahayana, Ivanova Vilena

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Plan: Preschool education School education Secondary school education in Ireland Higher education in Ireland Study in Ireland for Russian students and schoolchildren How to apply to a University in Ireland for a foreigner

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Education in Ireland is, as in many European countries, three-stage:Initial. It takes 8 years and includes primary school education.Average. It includes 2 cycles of secondary school education.Higher. Education at universities or colleges in Ireland.

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The mandatory age at which a child must enroll in school in Ireland is 6 years. Pre-school education is not compulsory, however, Irish pre-schools offer a decent preparation for school and an individual approach to any student. Depending on the requirements of the owners, preschool institutions accept students from 2.5-5 years old. Kindergartens in Ireland practice an individual approach to all children: in many cases, teachers focus on developing the personal qualities and talents of each child. Admission of children to preschool institutions is made on a paid basis. The mandatory age at which a child must enroll in school in Ireland is 6 years. Pre-school education is not compulsory, however, Irish pre-schools offer a decent preparation for school and an individual approach to any student. Depending on the requirements of the owners, preschool institutions accept students from 2.5-5 years old. Kindergartens in Ireland practice an individual approach to all children: in many cases, teachers focus on developing the personal qualities and talents of each child. Admission of children to preschool institutions is made on a paid basis.

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All schools operate under a single program developed by the government, and Catholic schools are still popular, separately for girls and boys. There are schools where teaching is conducted entirely in the Irish language. Most Irish schools are funded by the government. Individuals, religious orders, or the Church are in charge. Each school year is divided into trimesters, and children attend high school from September to may.After receiving pre-school education, the student road is divided into three stages:Elementary school.The Junior cycle of secondary school.Senior cycle of high school. All schools operate under a single program developed by the government, and Catholic schools are still popular, separately for girls and boys. There are schools where teaching is conducted entirely in the Irish language. Most Irish schools are funded by the government. Individuals, religious orders, or the Church are in charge. Each school year is divided into trimesters, and children attend high school from September to may.After receiving pre-school education, the student road is divided into three stages:Elementary school.The Junior cycle of secondary school.Senior cycle of high school.

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Elementary (Primary) school Children in Ireland are enrolled in primary schools from the age of 6. The school year runs from the beginning of September to the end of July. Holidays for students are quite long. For eight years, children study basic subjects-mathematics, English, and Irish (it is the second official language in Ireland). Upon completion, tests are conducted for the certificate of completion of the first cycle of school education.

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Junior cycle of secondary school This training cycle lasts for three years. The compulsory subjects are the same as in primary school, and the study of the basics of political education is also added to them. In addition to the main subjects, the student must choose several additional ones that they will study intensively already in the senior cycle. In General, students must pass exams in at least seven subjects at the end of this stage to obtain a certificate.

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Senior high school cycle In the senior cycle, compulsory subjects are also studied, and with them — additional subjects in the amount of 6 to 8. Training on this cycle is enhanced, all student resources are thrown into preparing for the final test. At the end of the cycle, the student passes exams, the score for which is set as a percentage. The percentages are added and output to a single total score.high school in IrelandAccording to the results of the exams, the student again receives a certificate. This certificate allows you to continue your studies in Ireland, as well as in many European countries, in New Zealand or the United States.

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Secondary school education in Ireland Secondary schools in Ireland are taking on the training of foreign students. The ideal option is to go for a "transition year" in order to be able to carefully prepare for further studies and adapt to a foreign environment. Education in secondary schools is paid. The cost of education in Ireland in high school is 15-25 thousand euros. Before entering, the student must complete the entrance test. For foreigners under 16 years of age, a guardian who is an Irish citizen is required.

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Higher education in Ireland The third stage of education in Ireland is divided, as in Russia, into special and higher education. To enroll in a University, you must have at least two profile subjects in the report card to have high scores. And universities in Ireland accept foreign students from 17 years old, a citizen of the Russian Federation may be listed on a Russian passport.The main certification program in the universities of Ireland takes 2 years, the diploma program-3. to get a degree, you will have to study for at least four years. Depending on the chosen field of study, the time spent on it also differs: in this regard, everything is optional in Ireland.higher education in IrelandTuition in Ireland is paid, the graph of expenses for educational materials, accommodation and tuition fees is wide, but the cost is lower than in Britain, and the quality of the material is no worse.

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Study in Ireland for Russian students and schoolchildren There are several options for studying in Ireland for Russian citizens: Get a secondary education in Ireland. Admission of foreign students to private or public schools (mainly from the "transition year") is a common practice. In the future, it will be easier for a student to enter an Irish University with a certificate of completion of the senior cycle of an Irish school.Language course. The language is best studied next to its native speakers: there are far fewer foreigners in Ireland than in Britain, immersion in the culture and breaking language barriers there is guaranteed.Higher education in Ireland. It is possible to get an education at the end of the 11th grade in Russia and arrive in the country for a master of science degree after a bachelor's degree in Russia.Courses at universities and private colleges. Courses for 1-2 years in certain professions are not uncommon in Ireland.

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