Facts about the Russian people презентация

Facts about the Russian people
 Made by: Lyukin Alexander1:Russians do not trust cheap things.
 1:Russians do not trust cheap4: A Russian who has reached a certain level of power7: In Russia, you can drink beer on a park bench,10: During any meeting or meeting in Russia, people are immediately13: However, if the Russian throws out half of his belongings,

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Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
Facts about the Russian people Made by: Lyukin Alexander

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
1:Russians do not trust cheap things. 1:Russians do not trust cheap things. 2: The English word "bargain" cannot be adequately translated into Russian. 3: Although Russians do not trust cheap things, they really love a freebie.

Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
4: A Russian who has reached a certain level of power feels that his duty is to crush those below him. 4: A Russian who has reached a certain level of power feels that his duty is to crush those below him. 5: In Russia, lazy waitresses are usually called with an aggressive cry of "Girl!" 6: In the Moscow metro, you must have the skill of working with your elbows.

Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
7: In Russia, you can drink beer on a park bench, and you will not be arrested. 7: In Russia, you can drink beer on a park bench, and you will not be arrested. 8: Russians gather in the kitchen and stay up late talking about "life." 9: Russians usually avoid talking about work.

Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
10: During any meeting or meeting in Russia, people are immediately divided by gender. 10: During any meeting or meeting in Russia, people are immediately divided by gender. 11: There are a lot of police in Russia, most of which are doing nothing. 12: Russians do not throw anything away. Never.

Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
13: However, if the Russian throws out half of his belongings, no one will notice. 13: However, if the Russian throws out half of his belongings, no one will notice. 14: An unfamiliar Russian usually comes to you familiarly - “man” or “woman”. 15: Among Russians it is not customary to say “please” or “thank you”.

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