Froning : The Fittest Man in History презентация
- 2. Rich Froning Jr. (born July 21, 1987) is an American professional Cross-Fit athlete known
- 3. Professional career Froning has competed in the Cross-Fit Games since 2010.
- 4. Early life Froning was born in Mount Clemens, Michigan. He moved
- 5. Froning in his garage-gym
- 6. Diet Froning does not adhere to the Paleolithic diet, both
- 7. Training He trains a lot, about 5-6 times per day every
- 8. The best results in classic exercise Clean and Jerk: 170 kg Snatch:
- 9. Video - Official Trailer. – motivation.
- 10. Скачать презентацию

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