Great Britain Religion History презентация

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Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
Great Britain Religion History Goruachev Ivan, DP-19 April,26

Слайд 2
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United Kingdom locaation

Слайд 3
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Antiquity 1800 - 1750 BC - the invasion from the continent of the Alpine people who landed in the eastern and southeastern parts of Britain and spread upstream of the River Thames. Religious beliefs in Britain at the primitive stage of human development (in the pre-Celtic period) varied significantly among individual cultures, but possessed similar features characteristic of the primary form of religion - worship of nature. Religion played a big role in uniting separate clans and tribes into single nations. Religious norms strengthened the power of the supreme leaders. The dynasties of the new rulers sought to unite the tribes by common religious canons.

Слайд 4
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The Celts

Слайд 5
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The druids

Слайд 6
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Religion of the druids

Слайд 7
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Druidic Symbols

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Roman Britain

Слайд 9
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The emergence of Christianity in the British Isles

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The birth of Celtic Christianity

Слайд 11
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Relocation of Germanic tribes to Britain

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The spread of Christianity among the Anglo-Saxons

Слайд 13
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The era of the Reformation in Europe (XVI - XVII century)

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The Protestant movement in England

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The weakening of the Roman Catholic Church

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Changes in English Protestantism

Слайд 17
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Puritanism and its split

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Слайд 20
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From disunity to unity

Слайд 21
Описание слайда:
Religion in Modern Britain

Слайд 22
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Information taken from the following article:

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