Guy Fawkes Day презентация

Guy Fawkes Day
 Выполнил ученик 6Е класса
 Демкин МаксимHISTORY
 The reign of James I was a very difficult time.HISTORY
 But one of the conspirators warned The Lord Monteagle byGUY FAWKES NIGHT TODAY
 "Guy Fawkes night" is celebrated annually today,THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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Guy Fawkes Day Выполнил ученик 6Е класса Демкин Максим

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HISTORY The reign of James I was a very difficult time. Catholics lived in fear. Not wanting to put up with such a life anymore, they organized a conspiracy. When James I was due to speak, the intruders decided to hide barrels of gunpowder in the basement of the House of Lords to blow them up. The plan was to awaken the people, and then the rule of the Protestants would be ended.

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HISTORY But one of the conspirators warned The Lord Monteagle by writing him a letter, which he gave to the king. And when Guy Fawkes went to the basement to set fire to the powder barrels, he was caught red-handed. On the day of the execution of the criminals who plotted against the Crown, the joyful people of London decided to celebrate their salvation. They lit bonfires in the streets and burned Guy Fawkes effigy.

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GUY FAWKES NIGHT TODAY "Guy Fawkes night" is celebrated annually today, only the religious and political component of it has already gone. Few people remember what this holiday used to symbolize, and some people do not even know who guy Fawkes is. However, it is celebrated no less noisy and cheerful than before. Every self-respecting Englishman should start a firework, throw a firecracker or drive a cart with a fire along the street, and even more so take part in the burning of an effigy.

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