House of My Dream презентация

House of My Dream
 Долго делал)Why do people like dreaming?
 I like to dream, but IWhere would I like to have my own house?
 The houseHow many rooms and floors are there in my house?
 MyWhat can you see in my living room?
 In my livingWhat can you see in the children's rooms?
 My room hasWhat is there in the basement?
 It's a big secret)What makes our life more comfortable?
 Availability of suitable housing. Having

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House of My Dream Долго делал)

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Why do people like dreaming? I like to dream, but I don’t know why ... It's just that in dreams everything is so simple, beautiful, bright and transparent. In dreams, we experience everything that we would really like to experience, and in dreams we are always the main character, which some lack in life ... A dream is our world, where we play a major role, but when dreaming, it is worth remembering that dreaming is not harmful, and yet, not all dreams come true, that is, you do not need to follow the proverb and constantly dream, because broken dreams are very us disappoint.

Слайд 3
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Where would I like to have my own house? The house of my dreams to be in the heart of my beloved city! The house is two level.On first floor is the swimingroom, hall and kitchen.On second three bedrooms and a balcony with a wonderful view of the house is on lake.Need Lovely garden in which grow not only apple trees and fenced house strawberry.Around on house is fence.Need fence in front of a statue that looks like the Statue of Liberty in New yorke.Zabor not high that I love people and I have nothing skryvat.neighbors my frequent guests.

Слайд 4
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How many rooms and floors are there in my house? My house has 1 floor and 7 rooms, this is enough for me and my family)

Слайд 5
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What can you see in my living room? In my living room you can see a large sofa, a 43-inch TV and Sony PlayStation 4 with many games, many colors and beautiful furniture, as well as a huge carpet covering the entire area of the living room.

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What can you see in the children's rooms? My room has a double bed, a large wardrobe, a computer desk, a personal computer, and a shelf above the table where all my books are!)

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What is there in the basement? It's a big secret)

Слайд 8
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What makes our life more comfortable? Availability of suitable housing. Having a suitable office within walking distance of housing. The availability of suitable shops and restaurants within walking distance from home and office. The presence of paths along which you can walk at least five kilometers from the house, and paths along which you can ride a bike for at least ten. The presence of a democratically elected city council with real powers and a real tax base, independent of the highest authorities.

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