How to praise your kids ? презентация
- 2. Content Praise is… Why should you Praise your Kid? When is
- 3. Praise is… Praise is when you tell your child what you
- 4. Why should you Praise your Kid? Praise, motivation and the child’s
- 5. When is praising your child considered good? Praising your child is
- 6. How to praise kids without spoiling them? There are many ways
- 7. Encourage Encouragement is the best way to ensure that your
- 8. Mirroring You have to take care to notice the small
- 9. Listen It is just as important to listen to your
- 10. Rewards Whenever your child gets close to some sort of
- 11. Reinforcement You should also try to make your child remember
- 12. Questioning Praise does not always have to be compliments- you
- 13. Eye Contact In matters of praise, you should take care
- 14. Construct Sentences Wisely It is important to choose the right
- 15. Individual Strength No two children have the exact same skill
- 16. Do not Overdo It This is perhaps the most important
- 18. Here are 20 ways to praise your child with words:
- 19. Literature
- 20. Скачать презентацию

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