Judiciary of Australia презентация
- 2. Introduction The judiciary of Australia comprises judges who sit in federal
- 3. The High Court has limited trial powers, but very rarely exercises
- 4. Judges Judges are appointed by the executive government, without intervention by
- 5. Seven figures in black (High Court judges) with papers in front
- 6. Superior and inferior courts The High Court has described the concept
- 7. Superior and inferior courts Inferior courts are those beneath superior courts
- 8. Federal courts. High Court of Australia The High Court is
- 10. Federal courts. Federal Court of Australia The Federal Court primarily hears
- 12. Federal courts. Family Court of Australia Uniquely among the states, Western
- 14. Federal courts. Federal Circuit Court of Australia
- 15. State and territory courts and tribunals Each state and territory has
- 16. Thank you for attention!!!
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