Kemerovo state medical university Topic-Indian wedding презентация

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Kemerovo state medical university Topic-Indian wedding Presented by-Harendra kumar Ragni kumari Bhawana pancharya

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Rituals of Indian wedding Engagement ceremony. Tilak ceremony. Mehndi ceremony. Sangeet ceremony. Haldi ceremony. Wedding ceremony. Reception ceremony.

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Engagement ceremony An engagement or betrothal is the relationship between two people who want to get married and also the period of time between a marriage proposal and a marriage. During this period a couple is said to be betrothed intended affianced engaged to be married or simply engaged.

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Tilak ceremony One of the the initial wedding ceremonies is the tilak ceremony. It was initially held one month before the actual wedding day but with changing time people have become quite flexible. The tilak ceremony is also know as the groom acceptance ceremony.

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Mehndi ceremony Mehndi ceremony is basically an event where the guests family and friends of the bride and groom go up to them and apply paste on their hand .

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Sangeet ceremonies Sangeet ceremony is one of the most fun filled traditional events. The ceremony is performed at the bridge’s house few days before the wedding. In sangeet ceremony families from both side meet each other and sing dance along. The ceremony makes the family members from both the sides comfortable.

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Haldi ceremony The haldi ceremonies is the one which the paste of haldi(turmeric) is applied on the bridge and the groom body before the wedding. The ceremony is held at both the bridge and groom’s place ,in the morning

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Wedding ceremony A Hindu wedding is Vivaha and the wedding ceremony is called Vivaaha sanshkar in India. It’s common for guests to wear traditional Indian clothes like saris or lenghas.

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Reception ceremony The main objective of the reception ceremony in India is to get the bride introduced to the numerous relatives and friends of the groom’s family. Generally this ceremony is held either immediately after the wedding or after some days.

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“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,always with the same person.” “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,always with the same person.”

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