Modern Family Problems презентация
- 2. Theme:Modern Family Problems Theme:Modern Family Problems Plan: Family problems Reasons For
- 3. The family is a structure consisting of relations: domination - submission
- 4. Family relationships are governed by morality and law. They are based
- 5. The problem of the psychology of family relations arises in terms
- 6. Reasons for Divorce There are 6 main causes of divorce:
- 7. Hasty, rash marriage of convenience or marriage of convenience;
- 8. Adultery
- 9. Incompatibility of characters and views
- 10. Psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a result,
- 11. Drunkenness.
- 12. To prevent a divorce, be sure to discuss the issues that
- 13. Bibliography Druzhinin V.N. Family Psychology: 3rd ed. _SPb .: Peter, 2009.-
- 15. Скачать презентацию
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