RRRR uuuu llll eeee FF oooo rrrr mmmm uuuu llll aaaa ssss TTTT aaaa bbbb llll eeeeExamples: PPPP rrrr eeee ssss eeee nnnn tttt I I I I nnnn dddd eeee. презентация
- 2. Rule Formulas Rule Formulas Table Examples: Present Indefinite Passive
- 3. The passive voice The passive voice Present Indefinite Passive Past Indefinite
- 4. Пассивный залог - это грамматическое явление, в котором подлежащее не выполняет
- 6. Cherries are grown in many countries.
- 7. Are cherries grown in many countries? Are cherries grown in many
- 8. Are cherries or bananas grown in many countries?
- 9. Where are cherries grown?
- 10. Cherries are grown in many countries, aren’t they?
- 11. Ice-cream is made from milk.
- 12. Is ice-cream made from milk?
- 13. Is ice-cream or cake made from milk?
- 14. Why is ice-cream made from milk?
- 15. Ice-cream is made from milk, isn’t it ?
- 16. I am told about the news by my friends.
- 17. Am I told about the news by my friends?
- 18. Am I or is she told about the news by friends?
- 19. About what am I told by my friends? About what am
- 20. I am told about the news by my friends,
- 21. This castle was built two centuries ago.
- 22. Was this castle built two centuries ago?
- 23. Was this castle built two or three centuries ago?
- 24. When was this castle built?
- 25. This castle was built two centuries ago, wasn’t it ?
- 26. These two houses were bought yesterday. These two houses were bought
- 27. Were these two houses bought yesterday ?
- 28. Were these two houses bought yesterday or two days ago?
- 29. Why were houses bought yesterday?
- 30. These two houses were bought yesterday, weren’t they?
- 31. My computer will be repaired tomorrow. My computer will be repaired
- 32. Will my computer be repaired tomorrow?
- 33. Will my computer be repaired tomorrow or soon? Will my computer
- 34. When will my computer be repaired? When will my computer be
- 35. My computer will be repaired tomorrow, won’t it? My computer will
- 37. Will all the balls be blown before the end of this
- 38. Will all the balls be blown before the end of this
- 39. When will all the balls be blown? When will all the
- 40. All the balls will be blown before the end of this
- 42. Скачать презентацию

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