Recipe of My favorite dish презентация

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Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
Recipe of My favorite dish

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
French meat French meat - is a dish made from layers of meat (originally veal, later also pork or beef), potatoes, cheese and tomatoes.

Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
Ingredients Potato 5 bulb Pork 300g Onion 1 bulb Tomatoes 2 bulbs Cheese 200g Mayonnaise 150 g Salt to taste Ground black pepper to taste

Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
The meat, in this case - pork, cut into slices 1 cm thick. Each slice is slightly beaten, sprinkle with salt and pepper. The meat, in this case - pork, cut into slices 1 cm thick. Each slice is slightly beaten, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
Let's make the sauce. To do this, add garlic, passed through the press, to the mayonnaise, stir. If desired, you can add black ground pepper and chopped greens. Let's make the sauce. To do this, add garlic, passed through the press, to the mayonnaise, stir. If desired, you can add black ground pepper and chopped greens.

Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
We cut potatoes and tomatoes into thin slices, and onions into half rings. Add salt and pepper to the potato to taste, mix. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the bottom of the mold, measuring 32 cm by 22 cm, spread the potatoes in one layer and grease the sauce.

Слайд 7
Описание слайда:
Then lay out half the onion. Spread the meat on top, grease it with sauce.

Слайд 8
Описание слайда:
Next, lay out the second half of the onion. Next, lay out the second half of the onion.

Слайд 9
Описание слайда:
Put the remaining potatoes on the onion, grease it with the sauce. Put the remaining potatoes on the onion, grease it with the sauce.

Слайд 10
Описание слайда:
The last layer is tomatoes. We distribute the sauce on them, cover the future French meat with potatoes and tomatoes with foil and put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for about an hour (focus on your oven). Then we remove the foil, sprinkle with grated cheese on top and continue to bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Слайд 11
Описание слайда:
Flavored meat in French with potatoes and tomatoes is ready.

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