Synthetic theory of evolution презентация
- 2. Introduction:- The synthetic theory of evolution is considered the most unifying
- 3. Continue…. The rediscovery of the principles of Mendel by Hugo de
- 4. Modern synthetic theory of evolution. (NEO-DARWINISM). Modern evolutionary theory is based on
- 5. MODERN SYNTHESIS (NEO DARWINISM):- The fusion of Mendelian genetics and Darwin's
- 6. Darwinism vs Neo-Darwinism. Darwinism Considers all inheritable favourable variation Does not
- 7. CONTINUE…. Neo-Darwinism- The modification of original concept postulated by
- 8. FACTORS AFFECTING MODERN THEORY OF EVOLUTON. Recombination or Variation:- Recombination of
- 9. Mutation:- Mutation:- The changes that occur in the gene
- 10. Heredity:- The transmission occurring in the variations from the parents
- 11. Natural selection:- Natural selection:- Natural selection produces a change in the
- 12. Isolation:- It is one among the significant factors responsible for the
- 13. DARWINISM:- Charles Darwin’s important postulates- Over production Struggle for existence
- 14. Links for better understanding
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