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Слайд 1
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TICKS –VECTOR OF BACTERIUM THAT CAUSES TULARAEMIA medical academy named by s.i.georgievskiy “cfu named by v.i.vernadskiy” Department of medical biology student name – deepanshi deswal scientific leader – Svetlana smirnova

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The body of ticks is oval in shape and consist of cephalothorax and abdomen. The capitulum (false head) projects forward beyond the body out line and is visible from above. They have four pairs of legs which terminate in a pair of claws. Tick have no antenna. The palps are swollen and three segmented.

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Life cycle

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ETIOLOGY Exposure to sick or dead animals Contaminated food or water Airborne bacteria Insect bites

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SYMPTOMS itching, burning, redness or red spot, and. rarely, localized intense pain like in the joints (some soft tick bites) in some individuals.

Слайд 7
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The symptoms of ulcer glandular tularemia, or infection through the skin, can include: a skin ulcer at the point of contact with the infected animal or at the site of a bite swollen lymph nodes near the skin ulcer (most often in the armpit or groin) severe headaches a fever chills fatigue

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Pneumonic tularemia a dry cough breathing difficulty a high fever chest pain

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Oropharyngeal tularemia a sore throat ulcers in the mouth swollen lymph nodes in the neck tonsillitis, or swollen tonsils vomiting diarrhea

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Oculoglandular tularemia eye irritation eye pain eye swelling discharge or redness of the eye a sore on the inside of the eyelid swollen lymph glands behind the ear

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Описание слайда:
Glandular tularemia The symptoms of glandular tularemia, or infection through the skin, are similar to ulceroglandular symptoms but without a skin ulcer.

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DIAGNOSIS Specimen Direct detection method Culture Antibody detection Molecular methods

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IN CRIMEA Health officials in Crimea are reporting two human tularemia cases in the territory of the Saksky area near by village of Dobrusina, according to Ukraine media (computer translated). The two individuals reported contracting the bacterial zoonotic infection from contact with a hare during hunting. Also known as rabbit fever and deer fly fever,tularemia is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. This bacterium is found in nature in rabbits, rodents, beavers, squirrels and several domestic and farm animals.

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