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TRADITIONAL UZBEK WEDDING Wedding plays a significant role in the lives of the Uzbeks and is celebrated with solemnity. From the birth of their first child, families save money throughout the lifetime for one big event- wedding and many of its pre and post rituals.

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  One of the pre-wedding events is  engagement ceremony  – “Fatiha tuy”when groom’s side comes to the house of the girl who has been proposed to. After guests tell the purpose of their visit  “Non sindirish” ( “Breaking of a scone”) is being performed and the day of marriage is fixed. From this moment young people are engaged.

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The main point of  Uzbek wedding rituals is the movement of the bride to the house of the man. On the day of the wedding, the groom goes to pick up the bride from her home with his best man, relatives, and friends. This movement is accompanied by dancers and musicians that play on Karnay ( long instrument) and Doira (wooden rim).

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Morning palov Palov is served approximately at 6-7 p.m. depending on the season. There is no nothing superfluous on the tables, minimum of food, no alcoholic beverages. The main dish is of course palov. Only men can come for the morning palov. The average number of guests is about 300-600 people. 

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 After eating at a festive table, a groom does not simply get to take his bride to the rest of wedding ceremonies. His friends and him must first “bribe” her friends with money and then finally break in to her bedroom.

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When the groom and bride get to the place of their wedding celebration of usually 200-300 people which is not a big wedding by Uzbek standards, the very moment the bride steps out the car, the groom lightly presses on her foot with his. This tradition dates to many years ago and its original meaning was a sign of  a respect to her future husband and still practiced today.

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The sing songs (“Ulanlar”, “Yor-Yor”). The wedding party starts with the greeting of the bride at the groom’s house.

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During the wedding, bride and her maid of honor, groom and his best man sit together throughout entire wedding. A bride can never leave her seat without a female next to her and same for the groom. Their “helpers” are there for them not only as someone who can fix your dress or suit but also as their “body guards”. Throughout the wedding guests come to congratulate newly married couple, take pictures, and give them personal presents.

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  Early in the morning, next day after the wedding,  a custom called “Kelin salom” (Welcoming the bride) is started. The parents of the bride and groom, all close relatives and friends and neighbours get together before the ceremony starts. The bride dressed in a traditional dress of Uzbek patterns must greet each one with a deep bow three times (to all sides) and in response  she receives gifts, blessings, and best wishes for the future. Presented by: YOLDOSHEV ULUGBEK

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A young bride, wearing traditional dress, receives help from her friends on her wedding day

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