Teaching Pronunciation Young Learners Shepeliuk Maryna school of Sharnopil Monastyrysche district Cherkasy region -2011- презентация

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“It’s not what you say but the way that you say it” Andy Harvey

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Phonetics is the study of the sounds that people make when they speak

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The objective of teaching phonetics in primary school is to practice the pronunciation of new sounds, stress and intonation of English

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Pupils should study English literary pronunciation which constitutes received pronunciation

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It’s important! The basis of all language is SOUND Teaching pronunciation is of no less importance in the developing of reading and writing habits and skills. Wrong pronunciation often leads to misunderstanding.

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The teacher faces the following problems in teaching pupils English pronunciation:

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Methodological problems the teacher faces:

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Different Type of Activities Production

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Do you know? According to Cameron teachers of young learners need: an awareness of how children think and learn skills and knowledge in spoken English to conduct whole lesson orally an ability to identify children’s interests and use them for language teaching (for ex. Pronunciation) to be equipped to teach initial literacy

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Pronunciation Drill The teacher should begin a lesson with pronunciation drill. The material should be connected with the lesson pupils study. These may be:

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Phonetic drills

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References 1. Andy Harvey- John Oakley (2003) “Game on”, Express Publishing. 2. Cameron. L. (2003) “Challenges for ELT from the expansion in teaching children” in ELT Journal, April, Issue 57, Oxford University Press. 3. Гойдіна Л. В. (2007) “ Англійська мова та література в школі ”, Методичний банк, “Основа”, Харків, №31 4. Журнал “English учить легко ”(2010 ) Киев, №19. 5. Пахомова Т. Г. (2009 ) “Методичні тези”, Черкаси. 6. Рогова Г. В. (1975) “Методика обучения английскому языку”., “Просвещение”. 7. Shelley Vernon “English Language Games for Children”, htth. www. Teachingenglishgames. Com. Articles Teaching Pronunciation 8. http://oipopp.ed-sp.net

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