The Culture app презентация

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Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
The Culture app Created by: Aliev Maksat Ibraim Albina

Слайд 2
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Content: 1) Plan and purpose of our project; 2) Few words about app: 3) Information about creators and company; 4) Our ideas about creating same app with unique features. 5) Conclusion 6) References

Слайд 3
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1) Plan and purpose of our project

Слайд 4
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Plan and purpose of our project Our main idea is developing touristic app which would be easy to use and help people to plan their vacation or business trips. Also enter to international IT and touristic market. It would show that our country can develop not just chocolate or other type of meal that we have good touristic and IT product. By the way it would be good advertisement for our country and also for our specialists. That’s main purpose of our app.

Слайд 5
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2) Few words about app

Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
Main information about the app Plan your trip

Слайд 7
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3) Information about creators and company

Слайд 8
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Features • Read, watch travel stories from around the world • Explore locations  • Bookmark articles • Create destination wishlists • Offline mode for reading later • Share stories on (Social Media) Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram App use in the 300 destinations around the world.  Everyone can read about inspirational places to visit, watch exciting travel videos, and enjoy insider recommendations for restaurants, bars, popups, food markets, fashion and culture. App creators are local experts and keep Culture Trip up-to-date, fresh and authentic. 

Слайд 9
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4) Our ideas about creating same app with unique features

Слайд 10
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Our ideas about creating same app with unique features We would use main features of that app. But we would add several functions like: -Podcasts about cities there history and unique attractions; -Maps of that cities with showing locations of attractions; -Contacts of guide services in app. That new functions would make that app more useful for our customer. And we also would make apps interface easier to use for people. We will discuss other unique things in next slides.

Слайд 11
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Podcasts about cities there history and unique attractions A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download in order to listen.

Слайд 12
Описание слайда:
Maps of that cities with showing locations of attractions The main idea to made special icons for every attractions of cities of our country. If person tap on that icon he would see short information about place and contacts of nearest guide service. That service would give 15%-20% discount for people who use our app.

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Слайд 14
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Attractions of Nur-sultan as explanation Under picture we would wright short description about history of object and how important that attraction is for this city. Also we would add “star” system for viewers to take feed back from them. And finally we would leave there contact of the guide service or just on specialist who now that object better than other people.

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Attractions of Almaty as explanation That also would have features which we wrote in previous slide. Next feature would be audio information under text description about object and video material which would explain text description more properly.

Слайд 16
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Contacts of guide services in app Our guide services would make not just usual tour around the city they would also record video and podcast tours, promote our app around there clients.

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Слайд 18
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References: Beritelli, P. and Laesser, CH. (2012), Challenges of innovation in alpine tourist destinations and the DMO as container for innovative processes, Presentation from International Conference „Changing Paradigms in Sustainable Mountain Tourism Research: Problems and Perspectives“, Brixen, 25 October. Björk, P. (2008),  Innovative tourism, in: Innovative Tourism: 2-6. Sourse:

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