The Culture app презентация
- 2. Content: 1) Plan and purpose of our project; 2) Few
- 3. 1) Plan and purpose of our project
- 4. Plan and purpose of our project Our main idea is developing
- 5. 2) Few words about app
- 6. Main information about the app Plan your trip
- 7. 3) Information about creators and company
- 8. Features • Read, watch travel stories from around the world •
- 9. 4) Our ideas about creating same app with unique features
- 10. Our ideas about creating same app with unique features We would
- 11. Podcasts about cities there history and unique attractions A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or
- 12. Maps of that cities with showing locations of attractions The main
- 14. Attractions of Nur-sultan as explanation Under picture we would wright
- 15. Attractions of Almaty as explanation That also would have features
- 16. Contacts of guide services in app Our guide services would make
- 17. Conclusion
- 18. References: Beritelli, P. and Laesser, CH. (2012), Challenges of innovation in
- 19. Скачать презентацию

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