The Epithet презентация

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The Epithet

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What is it? The definition by Galperin: The epithet is a stylistic device based on the interplay of emotive and logical meaning in an attributive word, phrase or even sentence used to characterise an object and pointing out to the reader, and frequently imposing on him, some of the properties or features of the object with the aim of giving an individual perception and evaluation of these features or properties. wild wind, heart-burning smile, destructive charms

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How is it different from the logical attribute? The epithet is markedly subjective and evaluative. The logical attribute is purely objective, non-evaluating.

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green meadows green meadows white snow round table blue skies pale complexion lofty mountains encouraging smile (?)

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The classification of epithets Epithets may be classified from different standpoints: s e m a n t i с s t r u c t r a I

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Reversed epithets composed of two nouns linked in an of-phrase “the shadow of a smile”, “a devil of a job ”,“…he smiled brightly, neatly, efficiently, a military abbreviation of a smile” such epithets are metaphorical

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Structural classification of epithets according to their distribution

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String of epithets “Such was the background of the wonderful, cruel, enchanting, bewildering, fatal, great city;” “a well-matched, fairly-balanced give- and-take couple.” The string of epithets gives a many-sided depiction of the object.

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Описание слайда:
Transferred epithet Transferred epithets are ordinary logical attributes generally describing the state of a human being, but made to refer to an inanimate object: sick chamber, sleepless pillow, restless pace, breathless eagerness, unbreakfasted morning, merry hours, a disapproving finger, Isabel shrugged an indifferent shoulder

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