The Role of ICT in Education! презентация

The Role of ICT in Education!ICT in Schools
 It is generally agreed that ICTMore advantages
 Teachers upload course documents so that students misses aAdvantages of ICT in Education
 Use of packages: word-processing, dtp, spreadsheets.
Evolution of Education TechnologyUNESCO takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT inMultimedia Education 
 EDUCON is a product developed specifically

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The Role of ICT in Education!

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ICT in Schools Introduction It is generally agreed that ICT is a crucial resource in education. Children use computers from an early age and continue to university level. Children taught practical ICT skills that are transferable into the work place.

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More advantages Teachers upload course documents so that students misses a lesson, they can download information and do the work in their own time. Encourages student-driven lessons, where students take responsibility for their learning.

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Advantages of ICT in Education Use of packages: word-processing, dtp, spreadsheets. Special facilities for pupils with disabilities. Teacher and pupil communications improve. ICT provides links with other schools or with businesses. Computers in schools provides wider access to ICT and encourages new ways of learning Can repeat work again and again and again

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Evolution of Education Technology

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UNESCO takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT in education. Access, inclusion and quality are among the main challenges they can address. The Organization's Intersectoral Platform for ICT in education focuses on these issues through the joint work of three of its sectors: Communication & Information, Education and Science.

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Multimedia Education EDUCON is a product developed specifically for Indian schools and aims to achieve the following objectives: To encourage the use of computers as a means of delivering consistently good and revolutionary education. To create and deliver content that is as good as any other international product but for use by specially Indian students. To develop a nurture a brain trust of concerned parties in the Indian educational system so as to create a product that meets all its needs as they arise. To use the most current and the complex technologies available to develop the product while keeping the user interface simple, attractive, and uncluttered. To encourage the spread of this form of education by being extremely economical and cost effective.

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