The concept of Intercultural Communication презентация
- 2. Learning outcomes understand such terms as culture, communication, intercultural, international, intercultural.
- 3. Culture is A code we learn and share. Learning and sharing
- 4. Umwelt “self-centered world” It is also the semiotic world of the organism, including
- 5. Communication chain Someone has got an idea Idea becomes a message
- 6. Intercultural concepts Intercultural communication is a communication between persons of different
- 7. Intercultural concepts Melting pot means a sociocultural assimilation of people of
- 8. Globalization, glocalization, grobalization Business “globalization is the worldwide diffusion of practices,
- 11. stereotype, enculturation, acculturation, ethnocentrism. Stereotype perceptions about certain groups of people
- 12. Norms, rules, roles, and networks Norms, rules, roles, and networks are
- 13. Communication barriers Physical—time, environment, comfort and needs, and physical medium (e.g.,
- 14. Скачать презентацию
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