Translation Theory in the 20th century презентация
- 2. Contents 1.Philosophical Theories of Translation: Ezra Pound Walter Benjamin
- 3. Contents (still) 3. Functionalism: “Cultural Turn” Descriptive Translation Studies 4.
- 4. Ezra Pound (1885-1972) Imagism>Vorticism (words=images) tried to reproduce text not only
- 5. Theory of “Vortex” General idea: each language has energy, you should
- 6. Walter Benjamin (1892 - 1940) Article “The task of the translator”
- 7. “Real translation is transparent, it does not hide the original, it
- 8. Roman Jacobson “On Linguistic Aspects of Translation” (1959) 1. Intralingual translation
- 9. Equivalence in meaning a language - is a system of signs.
- 10. Differences occur at: The level of gender: e.g. house is feminine
- 11. Eugene Nida “Toward a Science of Translating” (1964) Functional Equivalence formal
- 12. 4 basic requirements a translation has to meet: making sense conveying
- 13. 3 basic factors of differences in translation: the nature of the
- 14. Nida's model of the translation process In the case of
- 15. J. C. Catford “A Linguistic Theory of Translation” (1996) Criteria for
- 16. Catford’s equivalence formal correspondence - “any TL category (unit, class, structure)
- 17. Shifts in translation Level shifts - are expressed by grammar in
- 18. Leipzig school: Otto Kade “Accidents and Typical Cases in Translation” On
- 19. Leipzig school: Albrecht Neubert “Text and Translation” Syntactic equivalence (relation between
- 20. Warner Koller 1.Denotative equivalence is related to equivalence of the extralinguistic
- 21. Katharina Reiss She proposed the predominant functions of texts to be
- 22. Text types and translation
- 24. Skopos theory Skopos(from Greek ‘aim’ or ‘purpose’) Introduced into translation theory
- 25. Czech and Slovak group of Translation Studies scholars: Levy Illusionary translations
- 26. Czech and Slovak group of Translation Studies scholars: Popovič “All that
- 27. Descriptivists: James Holmes Holmes defines 4 types of translations belonging to
- 28. James Holmes` map
- 29. Descriptivists: Andre Lefever 7 different types of translation: 1) phonemic
- 30. Polysystem theory: Itamar Even-Zohar 3 social circumstances enabling the situation in
- 31. Quiz Component of “vortex” connected to visual property : melopoeia
- 32. 3) The idea of translations prolonging the life of the original
- 33. 6. Find a scholar who didn’t belong to Leipzig school: 6.
- 34. 9. According to James Holmes` map Theory of translation is subdivided
- 35. Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!
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