Typological classification of languages презентация
- 2. Linguistic typology is a branch of linguistics that started to develop
- 3. Morphological types across the world’s languages Linguists can categorize languages based
- 4. Analytic and Isolating Languages Analytic languages have sentences composed entirely of
- 5. Synthetic Languages Synthetic languages allow affixation such that words may
- 6. Agglutinative Type Agglutinative languages have words which may consist of more
- 7. Agglutinative languages Examples of canonical agglutinative languages include Turkish, Swahili, Hungarian
- 8. Fusional type Fusional languages, like other synthetic languages, may have more
- 9. Polysynthetic type Polysynthetic languages often display a high degree of affixation
- 10. Phonological typology: vocalic and consonantal languages According to the phonological classification
- 11. Syntactic typology One of the most common ways of classifying languages
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