Uber’s Extraordinary Growth Engine презентация
- 2. Uber Disrupting Local Transportation Entrenched taxi services panicking 70+ cities around
- 3. Needed to Connect the Dots Frustrated Passengers
- 4. 1st Launched in San Francisco Tech early adopters SF spotty
- 5. Launch Controversy Brings Attention
- 6. Repeatable Uber Growth Engine
- 7. 1. City by City Rollout Formula Tailor unique approach to
- 8. 2. Free Rides for Referrals Double sided referral program
- 9. 3. Wow! Experience Car arrives, payment automatic
- 10. 4. Impress Your Friends Spread the Word experientially
- 11. Accelerate with Opportunistic Events Nightlife Holidays Weather Sports
- 12. Read the Full Case Study Startup Growth Engines: Case Studies of
- 13. Скачать презентацию
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