Welcome in the city of the Astrakhan

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Слайд 1
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Слайд 2
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Astrakhan is situated on the Volga, not far from the Caspian sea. Astrakhan is situated on the Volga, not far from the Caspian sea.

Слайд 3
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Слайд 4
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Слайд 5
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In 1556 Ivan the Terrible combined Astrakhan khanate and Russia. In two years the city was built on the left bank of the Volga. So began the history of modern Astrakhan. In 1556 Ivan the Terrible combined Astrakhan khanate and Russia. In two years the city was built on the left bank of the Volga. So began the history of modern Astrakhan.

Слайд 6
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It became a great trade centre in the south of Russia. It became a great trade centre in the south of Russia.

Слайд 7
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The Kremlin was built in Astrakhan in 16-th century with many towers and Troitsky Cathedral. The Kremlin was built in Astrakhan in 16-th century with many towers and Troitsky Cathedral.

Слайд 8
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Peter the Great founded the Admiralty. He has built a port in the south of Russia. Peter the Great founded the Admiralty. He has built a port in the south of Russia.

Слайд 9
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Astrakhan is a big and beautiful city now. There are more than 500 thousand inhabitants in it. Astrakhan is a big and beautiful city now. There are more than 500 thousand inhabitants in it.

Слайд 10
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There is a seaport , an airport, a railway station, a river boat station in the city. Shipbuilding and Fishery are highly developed in Astrakhan. Universities, institutes, colleges, three theatres, museums, a Gallery, many churches are there in Astrakhan. There is a seaport , an airport, a railway station, a river boat station in the city. Shipbuilding and Fishery are highly developed in Astrakhan. Universities, institutes, colleges, three theatres, museums, a Gallery, many churches are there in Astrakhan.

Слайд 11
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Historical monuments, beautiful buildings, parks and gardens are worth seeing. The Kremlin with the Uspensky Cathedral is a masterpiece of architecture. Historical monuments, beautiful buildings, parks and gardens are worth seeing. The Kremlin with the Uspensky Cathedral is a masterpiece of architecture.

Слайд 12
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The symbol of Astrakhan is “Caspian rose” - a lotus. The symbol of Astrakhan is “Caspian rose” - a lotus.

Слайд 13
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Our city is 450! It is very beautiful. Our city is 450! It is very beautiful. We love it very much. We are proud of its sights and its people!

Слайд 14
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The presentation was made by: Lutseva Irina, Khudaeva Maria. The presentation was made by: Lutseva Irina, Khudaeva Maria. Leader: Bykova Natalya Nikolayevna.

Слайд 15
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