Welcome in the city of the Astrakhan
- 2. Astrakhan is situated on the Volga, not far from the Caspian
- 5. In 1556 Ivan the Terrible combined Astrakhan khanate and Russia. In
- 6. It became a great trade centre in the south of Russia.
- 7. The Kremlin was built in Astrakhan in 16-th century with many
- 8. Peter the Great founded the Admiralty. He has built a port
- 9. Astrakhan is a big and beautiful city now. There are more
- 10. There is a seaport , an airport, a railway station, a
- 11. Historical monuments, beautiful buildings, parks and gardens are worth seeing. The
- 12. The symbol of Astrakhan is “Caspian rose” - a lotus.
- 13. Our city is 450! It is very beautiful.
- 14. The presentation
- 16. Скачать презентацию

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