Welcome to Poland презентация

 Royal castleCathedral church
 Cathedral of Saints apostles Peter and Paul ( krakówShakespeare's theatre
 Shakespeare theatre (Gdansk, 2014). Built by Italian designer RenatoCuisine
 In Northern Poland, fish is a favorite dish. In addition,Culture
 Christmas-hay on the tablecloth and a plate for an unexpectedMagana ‒ burn and drown the Scarecrow
 Every year, on theTraditions
 Śmigus Dyngus

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Architecture Royal castle

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Cathedral church Cathedral of Saints apostles Peter and Paul ( kraków , ostrów Tumski). Built in the second half of the Tenth century, it was elevated to the status of a Cathedral in 968.

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Shakespeare's theatre Shakespeare theatre (Gdansk, 2014). Built by Italian designer Renato Rizzi. It is a black "box" made of graphite-colored bricks and has an open roof.

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Cuisine In Northern Poland, fish is a favorite dish. In addition, traditional Polish dishes include duck, sauerkraut soup, dumpling

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Culture Christmas-hay on the tablecloth and a plate for an unexpected guest

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Magana ‒ burn and drown the Scarecrow Every year, on the first day of spring, people make a straw doll, set it on fire, and then drown it in the river. The purpose of the ritual: to drive away the winter and speed up the awakening of nature.

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Traditions Śmigus Dyngus

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