Wildlife of Britain презентация
- 2. Wildlife includes all non-domesticated plants, animals and other organisms. Wildlife
- 3. Animal Life Carnivorous: -badger (барсук) -raccoon (енот) -fox -otter (выдра) -stoat
- 7. Foxes Body is 56-77 cm long.The pointed nose,pointed ears and bushy
- 8. Rodents: Squirrels Mice Rats Rabbits hares
- 10. Red squirrel: Body is up 25 cm long.Two colour phases exist
- 11. Insectivores: Hedgehogs Moles (кроты) Shrews (землеройки)
- 13. Hedgehog: Body is 20-30 cm long.The rounded,rather short body is covered
- 14. Amphibians and Reptiles: There are 3 species of newts (тритон) and
- 15. Birds: Wild pigeon Pheasant Grouse (куропатка) Sparrow Blackbird (дрозд) Chaffinch (зяблик)
- 21. National plants of the Britain England
- 22. The End
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