World health organization презентация

World health organization
 Name:-Meet Patel
 Subject:-Medical Law 
 Penza 2020Introduction
 The World Health Organization is a
   specialized agencyHistory
 First global health organization. In latter half of 19 thEstablishment
 Establishment of the United Nations is in 1945, marked asA group of health experts, working on emergency relief in WorldObjectives Of WHO
 To develop & implement multisectorial public policies forOrganizational Structure
  The world health assemblyMain functions of assembly
 To determine international health policy and
 The executive board is composed of 34 members technicallySecretariat
 The secretariat of WHO is staffed by some 8000 healthWHO`s Work
 Prevention and control of specific diseases
  Development ofAdvantage
 Neutral Organization to all member state.
  Nearly universal membership.
 Promoting development
  Encourage health security
 Strengthening health systems
 EncouragingRole of WHO in public health
 Providing leadership on matters criticalConclusion
 “Although WHO has both opportunities and challenges; Its contribution isTHANK YOU

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World health organization Name:-Meet Patel Group:-17LL3(a) Subject:-Medical Law Penza 2020

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Introduction The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of United Nations. WHO was established on 7th April 1948. The headquarters of WHO is located in Geneva. WHO serves as the directing and coordinating authority for International health matters.

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History First global health organization. In latter half of 19 th century, severe cholera epidemics was occurred. At that time, series of international sanitary conferences were held in Europe to co-ordinate policy & practice around quarantine & disease management. The League of Nations established a health organization in 1920.

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Establishment Establishment of the United Nations is in 1945, marked as a period of aggressive internationalism & international organization building & though health was not initially thought to be under the U.N. After its motion started by Brazilian & Chinese delegates to establish an international health organization and that was generally accepted.

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A group of health experts, working on emergency relief in World War II were charged with the task of drafting a constitution to define the structure & mandate of the body that would become known as the World Health Organization (WHO). A group of health experts, working on emergency relief in World War II were charged with the task of drafting a constitution to define the structure & mandate of the body that would become known as the World Health Organization (WHO). Finally, WHO’s constitution came into force on 7 th April 1948. This date celebrates every year as “ WORLD HEALTH DAY” by all over world.

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Описание слайда:
Objectives Of WHO To develop & implement multisectorial public policies for health, integrated gender- & agesensitive approaches that facilitate community empowerment, together with action for health promotion, self-care & health protection throughout the life course in cooperation with the relevant national and International partners.

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Organizational Structure WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY (Parliament) The world health assembly is the supreme decision making body for WHO. It generally meets in Geneva in may each year, and is attended by delegations from all 194 member states.

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Main functions of assembly To determine international health policy and programme. To review the work of past years To approve the Budget. To elect member state to designate a person to serve for 3 years on executive board. Supervises the financial policies of the organization and reviews and approves the proposed program budget.

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EXECUTIVE BOARD The executive board is composed of 34 members technically qualified in the field of health. Members are elected for 3 year terms. The main functions of the board are to give effect to the decisions and policies of the health assembly, to advise it and generally to facilitate its work.

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Secretariat The secretariat of WHO is staffed by some 8000 health and other experts and support staff on fixed-term appointment, working at headquarters in the 6 regional offices. There are 5 assistant Director General and there responsibility is assigned by DG in different divisions.

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WHO`s Work Prevention and control of specific diseases Development of comprehensive health services To improve the Family health Environmental health Health statistics Bio-medical research Assembling of Health literature and information Cooperation with other organizations to get the equilibrium in improved health status

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Advantage Neutral Organization to all member state. Nearly universal membership. Global presence and Networking. No parallel Organization in tackling diseases. Large no. of Expertise in all health issues. Strong coordination and convincing ability. Strong fund collecting ability Global cooperation, collaboration and investment

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Agenda Promoting development Encourage health security Strengthening health systems Encouraging research, information & evidence Enhancing partnerships Improving performance of health developping organiztions.

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Role of WHO in public health Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed, Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and spreading of valuable knowledge. Setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation. Articulating ethical and evidence based policy options.

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Conclusion “Although WHO has both opportunities and challenges; Its contribution is great to increase the quality of life and living standard globally.”

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