World health organization презентация
- 2. Introduction The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of
- 3. History First global health organization. In latter half of 19 th
- 4. Establishment Establishment of the United Nations is in 1945, marked as
- 5. A group of health experts, working on emergency relief in World
- 6. Objectives Of WHO To develop & implement multisectorial public policies for
- 7. Organizational Structure WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY (Parliament) The world health assembly is
- 8. Main functions of assembly To determine international health policy and
- 9. EXECUTIVE BOARD The executive board is composed of 34 members technically
- 10. Secretariat The secretariat of WHO is staffed by some 8000 health
- 11. WHO`s Work Prevention and control of specific diseases Development of comprehensive
- 12. Advantage Neutral Organization to all member state. Nearly universal membership. Global
- 13. Agenda Promoting development Encourage health security Strengthening health systems Encouraging research,
- 14. Role of WHO in public health Providing leadership on matters critical
- 15. Conclusion “Although WHO has both opportunities and challenges; Its contribution is
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