Разделительные вопросы Tag-questions

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Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
Разделительные вопросы Tag-questions

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
You liked the film, did not you? Вам понравился фильм, не так ли? She is a very good pupil, is not she ? Она очень хорошая студентка, не так ли? He can not ski, can he? Он не умеет кататься на лыжах, не так ли?

Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
У каждого вопроса есть свой «хвостик» … will you? … do you? … does he? … can she? … did they? … is he? … are you? … was it? … were you? … have we? … has she? … had they? … don‘t they? …isn‘t it? … aren‘t you? … weren‘t they? … wasn‘t he? … didn‘t we? … doesn‘t she?

Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
He is a student, isn‘t he? He is a student, isn‘t he? They aren‘t at home, are they? We shall go to the Zoo, shan‘t we? It won‘t be snowy tomorrow, will it? I was in London, wasn‘t I? You weren‘t busy, were you? She can dance well, can‘t she?

Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
He is a student, isn‘t he? He is a student, isn‘t he? They aren‘t at home, are they? We shall go to the Zoo, shan‘t we? It won‘t be snowy tomorrow, will it? I was in London, wasn‘t I? You weren‘t busy, were you? She can dance well, can‘t she?

Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
He is a student, isn‘t he? He is a student, isn‘t he? They aren‘t at home, are they? We shall go to the Zoo, shan‘t we? It won‘t be snowy tomorrow, will it? I was in London, wasn‘t I? You weren‘t busy, were you? She can dance well, can‘t she?

Слайд 7
Описание слайда:
My friends are students, aren‘t they? Tom can speak English, can‘t he? The girl was in Britain, wasn‘t she? The dog has a nice house, hasn‘t it?

Слайд 8
Описание слайда:
My friends are students, aren‘t they? My friends are students, aren‘t they? Tom can speak English, can‘t he? The girl was in Britain, wasn‘t she? The dog has a nice house, hasn‘t it?

Слайд 9
Описание слайда:
You like detective stories, don‘t you? Your sister plays the piano, doesn‘t she? They went to the park, did not they?

Слайд 10
Описание слайда:
You like detective stories, don‘t you? You like detective stories, don‘t you? (Present Simple) Your sister plays the piano, doesn‘t she? (Present Simple) They went to the park, did not they? (Past Simple)

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