Lecture Week 10 - What makes us different from one another презентация
- 2. Outline This week we will focus on several aspects of individual
- 4. Psychology and ways in which we differ A great deal of
- 5. Why are we interested in Personality? To explain the motivational basis
- 6. Hippocrates, Galen, Eysenck 450BC 160AD 1973
- 7. What do we mean by the term“personality”? A COLLECTION OF Thoughts Emotions Description
- 8. Definitions of Personality Burger, 2004: “Personality can be defined as consistent
- 9. Approaches to Personality Researchers have taken many different approaches to describe
- 10. Trait Approach What is a trait? “relatively stable disposition to
- 11. Trait approach to personality Personality characteristics are relatively stable. Traits show
- 12. Type vs. Trait Early type theories: distinct and discontinuous categories (e.g.
- 13. Identification of important traits Lexical Approach Starts with lexical hypothesis. All
- 14. Eysenck’s hierarchical model of personality Supertrait (superfactor) e.g. extravert (ENP)
- 15. Eysenck’s Supertraits 2 supertraits as underlying dimensions of personality: Introversion –
- 16. Eysenck’s Supertraits Eysenck & Eysenck (1985) Traits that make up
- 17. Biological Basis for Eysenck’s Personality Dimensions? Extraversion – Introversion: Ascending reticular
- 18. Hebb’s version of Yerkes-Dodson law
- 19. The Big Five Dimensions of Personality Researchers have proposed theories of
- 21. The Big Five Dimensions of Personality Big Five Personality traits have
- 22. What is Intelligence? Innate, general cognitive ability (g)? Spearman (1927) A
- 23. What is Intelligence? Do behaviours that reflect intelligence change with
- 24. Implicit Theories of Intelligence by Countries Around the World
- 25. Early Influences: Francis Galton Cousin of Charles Darwin Measured psychophysical abilities
- 26. Early Influences : Alfred Binet The “father” of IQ testing, he
- 27. Theories of Intelligence Charles Spearman (1927) was one of the first
- 28. Spearman’s two-factor theory specific abilities – ‘s’ A factor of intelligence
- 29. Spearman’s two-factor theory
- 30. Is Intelligence general or specific? Broad agreement that there is a
- 31. Multiple Intelligences Different proponents of multiple intelligence do not agree on
- 32. Li (1996) summarizes Gardner's theory as follows: Premise 1: If it
- 33. Sternberg’s theory 1985 Triarchic theory of intelligence. Viewed other theories not
- 34. Individual differences in emotion One of the other ways in which
- 35. Theories of Attachment Explaining why attachment occurs (the meaning of ‘theory’
- 36. Theories of Attachment But there are problems with drive reduction theories
- 37. Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment John Bowlby proposed what is still a
- 38. What about ways in which we differ that go beyond the
- 39. Individual Differences Summary People demonstrate individual differences in personality, intelligence, and
- 40. Self Managed Learning Reading Schacter, D., Gilbert, D., Wegner, D, &
- 41. Скачать презентацию

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