The famous british people презентация

Слайды и текст этой презентации
Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
Topic: “The famous British people” Everybody lives his live: The actor acts, the inspector inspects, The writers write, the readers read, The teachers teach, the children smile, The sun is bright the life is sweet, And there is no end to it!

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
The famous British people

Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
“The famous British people” № 1. Find the mistakes!

Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
«Diana- the People’s Princess»

Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
Text “Diana- the People’s Princess” № 2. Make the parts in the right order!

Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
Check yourself!

Слайд 7
Описание слайда:
The musical pause

Слайд 8
Описание слайда:
Listening “Charlie Chaplin” New words: 1.the first step to the stage- первый шаг на сцену 2.attended- посещал 3.silent – немой (без звука) 4. “The Little Tramp”- «Маленький бродяга» 5. moustache- усы 6. make laugh- смешить 7.twice- дважды

Слайд 9
Описание слайда:
Listening “Charlie Chaplin” №3: Make the test!

Слайд 10
Описание слайда:
№ 3.Listening “Charlie Chaplin” Check yourself!

Слайд 11
Описание слайда:
Homework: fill the table! (Text “Diana-the Peoples Princess” or your favorite famous face)

Слайд 12
Описание слайда:
Our results 1.What famous British people did you know today? 2.What was new for you? 3. What was difficult for you? It was difficult for me to … ( -speak English; read the text; listen to text; understand the text about…; make the test) 4. What do you want to tell about? 5. What is your mark for the lesson?

Слайд 13
Описание слайда:
Thank you for your good work! Good buy!

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