Traditional Security Issues презентация

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Описание слайда:
Traditional Security Issues Confidentiality Prevent unauthorized access or reading of information Integrity Insure that writing or operations are allowed and correct Availability System functions cannot be denied

Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
Security in the Real World Professionals must address: Specification/Policy Requirements, analysis, planning,… Implementation/mechanisms Algorithms, protocols, components, etc. Correctness/assurance Proof, testing, verification, attacks, etc. The Human Factor Protecting against “bad” users and clever attackers All critical: CS453 focuses on the 2nd item

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Описание слайда:
Terms for Activities Related to E-Commerce Security Authentication Identification of a user for access Authorization Defining and enforcing rules or levels of access Repudiation A party later denying a transaction has occurred Goal: insuring non-repudiation

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Описание слайда:
Briefly: Security Policy You should define a security policy document for your site or application A form of non-functional requirements Might include: General philosophy toward security (high-level goals etc.) Items to be protected Who’s responsible for protecting them Standards and measures to be used: how to measure to say you’ve built a secure system

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Описание слайда:
What’s Coming in this Unit?

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Описание слайда:
Authentication Proving a user is who they say they are Methods? Passwords Digital signatures, digital certificates Biometrics (fingerprint readers etc.) Smart cards and other HW We’ll discuss Cryptography Mechanisms: algorithms, web servers, biometrics, SSL

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Описание слайда:
Authorization We won’t say much about this Approaches include: Access control lists Capabilities Multi-level security systems

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Описание слайда:
Non-Repudiation Non-repudiation of origin proves that data has been sent Non-repudiation of delivery proves it has been received Digital signatures And more crypto

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Описание слайда:
Digital Certificates “On the Internet, no one knows you’re a dog.” Or do they? For commerce, we can’t always allow anonymity How does UVa’s NetBadge work? Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certifying Authorities in the commercial world E.g. VeriSign

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Описание слайда:
SSL: Secure Socket Layer A network protocol layer between TCP and the application. Provides: Secure connection – client/server transmissions are encrypted, plus tamper detection Authentication mechanisms From both client’s point of view and also server’s Is the other side trusted, who they say they are? Using certificates Is the Certificate Authority trusted?

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Описание слайда:
Cryptography Cryptography underlies much of this Interesting computer science And historical interest too We’ll touch on that But always try to come back to the practical and e-commerce Topics: Symmetric Key Crypto.; Public Key Crypto.; Digital Signatures; Digital Certificates; SSL

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