Punishment and treatment for adolescent drug use презентация

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Punishment and treatment for adolescent drug use Hannah Langosch

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Adolescent drug use in America A 2013 study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse: 25.5% of 12th graders 19.4% of 10th graders 8.5% of 8th graders

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Adolescent drug use in America What types of drugs are adolescents abusing today?

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Addiction as a disease Drug Abuse v. Drug Addiction Research on the brain “Forward momentum is hindered by the complexity of the problem, but also by the archaic attitudes that are behind the stigmatization of drug users- the idea that good kids abstain and bad kids use- and the basic misunderstanding of addiction (the belief that it’s a choice, whereas we know it’s a disease)” (Sheff, 2014, p. 284). Comparing addiction to other illnesses

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Research methods Primary Research Interview with a 22 year old male, first hand experience Is incarceration effective? Can drug addiction be cured? Effective drug treatment qualities? Secondary Research The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment by Clinton Terry Understanding the Demand for Illegal Drugs by Peter Reuter Clean by David Sheff “Never Too Late: Public Optimism About Juvenile Rehab” by Piquero “Can Drug Courts Help to Reduce Jail and Prison Populations?” by Sevigny “Moving Toward Utopia: Vision of Progress for American Jails” by Stinchcomb National Institute on Drug Abuse

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The war on drugs Original Intention v. Today’s Focus Drugs Won: High consumption and increase in arrests Individual Suffering Negative Impacts on Society and the Criminal Justice System Financial Costs Overcrowding Returning Offenders

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The benefits of treatment Although addiction cannot be cured, it can be put into remission. What does the general public think about adolescent drug offenders? Initial Costs” Expensive.. Importance of Follow Up Care

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Issues with treatment today Limited Resources Funding Trained Staff Strict Eligibility Requirements History of Violence Lack of Motivation Gang Membership Mental Disorders

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What needs to be done Change Society’s View of Addiction Provide Funding Qualified Workers Reduce Eligibility Requirements What can we expect?

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Описание слайда:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: David Sheff’s Novel, Clean. David Sheff on Drug Addiction (1:50-2:45): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GbrDKW94SY

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Описание слайда:
references: Piquero, A., Cullen, F., Unnever, J., Piquero, N., & Gordon, J. (2010). Never Too Late: Public Optimism About Juvenile Rehabilitation. Punishment and Society, 12(2), 187-207. doi: 10.1177/1462474509357379. Reuter, P. (2010). Understanding the demand for illegal drugs. Retrieved fromhttp://site.ebrary.com.libweb.ben.edu/lib/benu/docDetail.action?docID=10425174. Sevigny, E., Pollack, H., Reuter, P., (2013). Can Drug Courts Help to Reduce Prison and Jail Populations? The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 647(1), 190-212. doi: 10.1177/0002716213476258. Sheff, D. (2014). Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Stinchcomb, J., Applegate, B., Kerle, K., Stojkovic, S. (2012). Moving Toward Utopia: Visions of Progress for American Jails. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 28(1), 23-41, doi: 10.1177/1043986211432204. Terry, W. (2002). Drug courts. In D. Levinson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of crime and punishment. (pp. 557-560). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781412950664.n145. Volkow, N. D. (2014). National Institute on Drug Abuse: The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved from http://www.drugabuse.gov/.

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