Punishment and treatment for adolescent drug use презентация
- 2. Adolescent drug use in America A 2013 study by the National
- 3. Adolescent drug use in America What types of drugs are adolescents
- 4. Addiction as a disease Drug Abuse v. Drug Addiction Research
- 5. Research methods Primary Research Interview with a 22 year old male,
- 6. The war on drugs Original Intention v. Today’s Focus Drugs
- 7. The benefits of treatment Although addiction cannot be cured, it can
- 8. Issues with treatment today Limited Resources Funding Trained Staff Strict Eligibility
- 9. What needs to be done Change Society’s View of Addiction Provide
- 10. FOR MORE INFORMATION: David Sheff’s Novel, Clean. David Sheff
- 11. references: Piquero, A., Cullen, F., Unnever, J., Piquero, N., & Gordon,
- 12. Скачать презентацию
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