Objective midterm exam review презентация

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In a natural state all were equal and independent, and none had a right to harm another’s “life, health, liberty, or possessions.” In a natural state all were equal and independent, and none had a right to harm another’s “life, health, liberty, or possessions.” Humans in State of Nature are cooperative--opposite of Hobbes’ view. Also, Govt. does not over-ride society or individual rights—govt. must be accountable. Property & value are created by LABOR. When we mix our labor with the natural world, we blend part of ourselves with that labor—that’s how we come to own property, ethically.

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Robert Nozick (1938-2002) Robert Nozick (1938-2002) —extreme LIBERTARIANS hold that no one has positive rights. We only have the basic negative right to freedom from coercion—the right not to be forced to do things against our will. Only time we can rightfully be forced to do something against our will is when we are forced to stop coercing others. But this extreme libertarianism fails to see that, given so much freedom for everyone, then Hobbs’s state of nature would seem to follow --one person’s freedom usually restricts someone else’s freedom

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UTILITARIANISM Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)

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Ethical Theories and Principles--UTILITARIANISM RULE VS ACT UTIL. act utilitarians-- consequences should be judged for each case. rule utilitarians--consequences should be judged in terms of rules that can be applied in general for similar cases.

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Adam Smith-[1723–1790] Adam Smith-[1723–1790] market economy with law of supply and demand is ethical utilitarian-everyone is better off- but capitalists use any non-capitalist means to further their profit, breeding monopolies making Smith wrong.

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John Locke( 1632-1704) MARXISM (BACKGROUND) John Locke( 1632-1704) MARXISM (BACKGROUND) Property and value are created by labor. When you combine your labor with raw materials, something of you is in the product. Labor accounts for most of the property value of an object, As long as you don’t waste this property, it’s yours Money is durable property, doesn’t get wasted Property precedes government and government cannot "dispose of the estates of the subjects arbitrarily." +

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Man is alienated from his labor—someone else takes his product—he is dehumanized. Man is alienated from his labor—someone else takes his product—he is dehumanized. Whereas work was once skilled labor w/ obvious product—labor is now piecemeal drudgery or capitalist manipulation of humans (management etc.) Because man’s labor is exploited—he never gets what his labor is worth. He is forced to work at alienating labor

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Frederick Engels (1820-1895) Engels , like Marx, predicts ever-increasing role of machine used to steal labor Engels maintains that machine development & production causes supply/demand problems for capitalism Technological innovation creates an army of unemployed An army of unemployed means fewer who can afford the goods the capitalist produces—supply of products increases but demand for products falls

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ENGELS describes the booms/busts we have become so familiar with in Silicon Valley. ENGELS describes the booms/busts we have become so familiar with in Silicon Valley. The whole industrial and commercial world, production and exchange among all civilized peoples, are thrown out of joint about once every 10 years. Commerce is at a stand-still the markets are glutted products accumulate hard cash disappears credit vanishes factories are closed bankruptcy follows upon bankruptcy the mass of the workers are in want of the means of subsistence, because they have produced too much of the means of subsistence;. The stagnation lasts for years

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Engels predicts ever-increasing role of machine to transform the conditions that allow for liberation from capitalism and proprietary machine ownership Engels predicts ever-increasing role of machine to transform the conditions that allow for liberation from capitalism and proprietary machine ownership Engels predicts government eventually will evolve into a worker-owned state—advanced government allows for end of private property State interference in social relations becomes, in one domain after another, superfluous, and then dies out of itself; The State is not "abolished". It dies out

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In the end, when the state and capitalism are abolished, we will have a world where overseeing of technology and technologically-driven distribution of goods will be the pattern of society In the end, when the state and capitalism are abolished, we will have a world where overseeing of technology and technologically-driven distribution of goods will be the pattern of society The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things, and by the conduct of processes of production.

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No way to know when the state/economy has reached critical point No way to know when the state/economy has reached critical point No way to know when or if successful revolt will take place or is needed Worker-run state might naturally evolve as technology and production reach the point where the middle-man of capitalism just is no longer necessary. No way to know when technology reaches limit of theft

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