Theory of International Relations презентация


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Theory of International Relations
 Anastasiia TSYBULIAKSession 3
 Principal Theories of International Relations, Part 2.1:
 Postmodern International relations approaches have been part of international relations scholarship since thePostmodernism
 Textual strategies of postmodernism:
 Double reading
 Ashley’s double readingPostmodernism
 Problematizing sovereign states:
 Beyond the paradigm of sovereignty: rethinking the political
 is the claim that significant aspects of international relations areConstructivismConstructivism
 Richard Price and Chris Reus-Smit have argued that constructivism shouldConstructivism
 First-wave critical theorists had rejected the rationalist depiction of humansConstructivismFeminism 
 a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining,Feminism 
 Breaking with the powerful bond among manly men, statesFeminism 
 Three overlapping forms of feminist International Relations:
 Empirical feminismFeminism 
 All three forms suggest that the theory and practiceGreen Politics 
 a political ideology that aims to create an ecologically sustainableGreen Politics 
 Green politics emerged as a significant political forceGreen Politics 
 Eckersley: ecocentrism – the rejection of an anthropocentricGreen Politics 
 Most Greens reject the states-system, arguing primarily forGreen Politics 
 For Greens, the central object of analysis andREVIEW QUESTIONS
 Are humans naturally warlike?
 What are micro and macroKEY TERMS
 arms race 
Recommended Literature
 Scott Burchill. Theories of International Relations. 3d edition, 2005:Information about the Professor

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Theory of International Relations Anastasiia TSYBULIAK

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Session 3 Principal Theories of International Relations, Part 2.1: Postmodernism Constructivism Feminism Green Theory

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Postmodernism Postmodern International relations approaches have been part of international relations scholarship since the 1980s. Although there are various strands of thinking, a key element to postmodernist theories is a distrust of any account of human life which claims to have direct access to the "truth". Post-modern international relations theory critiques theories like Marxism that provide an overarching metanarrative to history. Key postmodern thinkers include Lyotard, Foucault and Derrida.

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Postmodernism Textual strategies of postmodernism: Deconstruction Double reading Ashley’s double reading of the anarchy problematique

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Postmodernism Problematizing sovereign states: Violence Boundaries Statecraft

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Postmodernism Beyond the paradigm of sovereignty: rethinking the political Sovereignty and the ethics of exclusion Postmodern ethics

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Constructivism is the claim that significant aspects of international relations are historically and socially constructed, rather than inevitable consequences of human nature or other essential characteristics of world politics. Constructivism is characterized by an emphasis on the importance of normative as well as material structures, on the role of identity in shaping political action and on the mutually constitutive relationship between agents and structures.

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Constructivism Richard Price and Chris Reus-Smit have argued that constructivism should be seen primarily as an outgrowth of critical international theory, as many of its pioneers explicitly sought to employ the insights of that theory to illuminate diverse aspects of world politics.

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Constructivism First-wave critical theorists had rejected the rationalist depiction of humans as atomistic egoists and society as a strategic domain – proffering an alternative image of humans as socially embedded, communicatively constituted and culturally empowered – constructivists have used this alternative ontology to explain and interpret aspects of world politics that were anomalous to neo-realism and neo-liberalism.

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Feminism a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender.[4][5] Some of the earlier forms of feminism have been criticized for taking into account only white, middle-class, educated perspectives. This led to the creation of ethnically specific or multiculturalist forms of feminism

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Feminism Breaking with the powerful bond among manly men, states and war, feminist theories of international relations have proliferated since the early 1990s. These theories have introduced gender as a relevant empirical category and analytical tool for understanding global power relations as well as a normative position from which to construct alternative world orders.

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Feminism Three overlapping forms of feminist International Relations: Empirical feminism - focuses on women and/or explores gender as an empirical dimension of international relations; Analytical feminism - uses gender as a theoretical category to reveal the gender bias of International Relations concepts and explain constitutive aspects of international relations Normative feminism - reflects on the process of theorizing as part of a normative agenda for social and political change

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Feminism All three forms suggest that the theory and practice of international relations has suffered from its neglect of feminist perspectives. Feminists argue that conventional International Relations theories distort our knowledge of both ‘relations’ and the ongoing transformations of the ‘international’. Approaches to international relations that fail to take gender seriously overlook critical aspects of world order and abandon a crucial opening for effecting change.

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Green Politics a political ideology that aims to create an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, social justice, and grassroots democracy. It began taking shape in the western world in the 1970s; since then Green parties have developed and established themselves in many countries around the globe, and have achieved some electoral success. Supporters of Green politics, called Greens (with a capital 'G'), share many ideas with the ecology, conservation, environmentalism, feminism, and peace movements. In addition to democracy and ecological issues, green politics is concerned with civil liberties, social justice, nonviolence,

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Green Politics Green politics emerged as a significant political force in many countries from the mid-1970s onwards. Environmentalists - accept the framework of the existing political, social, economic and normative structures of world politics, and seek to ameliorate environmental problems within those structures Greens - regard those structures as the main origin of the environmental crisis and therefore contend that they are structures which need to be challenged and transcended.

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Green Politics Eckersley: ecocentrism – the rejection of an anthropocentric world-view which places moral value only on humans in favour of one which places independent value also on ecosystems and all living beings Dobson : the ‘limits to growth’ argument about the nature of the environmental crisis Decentralization

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Green Politics Most Greens reject the states-system, arguing primarily for decentralizing political communities below the nation-state, rather than for new forms of global political authority. This involves decentralization not only of political organization, but economic and social organization as well. They also argue for abandoning traditional sovereign systems and practices in favour of more mixed locations of authority. Their focus on ‘reclaiming the commons’ supports the decentralization argument in GPT.

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Green Politics For Greens, the central object of analysis and scope of enquiry is the way in which contemporary human societies are ecologically unsustainable. Greens focus on the way in which prevailing political structures and processes contribute to this destruction. The purpose of enquiry is thus explicitly normative – to understand how global political structures can be reformed to prevent such destruction and provide for a sustainable human relationship to the planet and the rest of its inhabitants.

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REVIEW QUESTIONS Are humans naturally warlike? What are micro and macro approaches to the causes of war? What were Clausewitz's warnings about war? What is the "levels-of-analysis" problem? Are wars growing out of conflicting cultures now likely? Does capitalism cause wars or peace? Does a balance of power lead to peace? Or does a hierarchy of power? What evidence supports the "previous-war" theory? How may analogies be misused m IR?

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KEY TERMS analogy arms race asymmetric casualty causality escalation legitimate level of analysis

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Recommended Literature Scott Burchill. Theories of International Relations. 3d edition, 2005: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1403948663 Paul Wilkinson. International Relations: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions). 1st edition. 2007: Oxford Paperbacks. ISBN 978-0192801579  Anne-Marie Slaughter. International Relations, Principal Theories. Wolfrum, R. (Ed.) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Oxford University Press, 2011) Ole R. Holsti. Theories of International Relations Anne-Marie Slaughter. International Relations, Principal Theories Bill Newmann. A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy Reinhard Meyers. Contemporary Developments in International Relations Theory Global Politics. How to Use and Apply Theories of IR

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Information about the Professor

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