Bundu Tuhan as venue for NEPCon workshop презентация

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Bundu Tuhan as venue for NEPCon 2016 workshop A small village at the foot of Mount Kinabalu

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Bundu Tuhan Bundu Tuhan at the foothills of Mount Kinabalu. Many young people from the village are mountain guides and porters daily carrying everything needed for the overnight stay at Laban Rata near the summit. These guys and women easily carry 35kg up the mountain. On the picture you can see some of the swidden agriculture that has been practiced in Borneo forever. However, some areas are allocated for community area such as their forest where no activities are allowed without the permission of the elders. And in Bundu Tuhan these guys are very conservation minded and want to preserve the uniqueness of the area for their children

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Mount Kinabalu This spiritually significant mount was the center of an earthquake some months ago in spite of Sabah not being an active earthquake zone at all. The mountain guides from Bundu Tuhan became famous on account of their efforts to guide people down in the middle of the chaos. The mountain has now been declared safe for climbing again and new trails have been made. If you plan to climb you need to book well ahead of time and budget for at least two days for the journey up and down. Three days is better so you can acclimatize at around 1000 meter, or same altitude as Bundu Tuhan

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The Catholic Retreat center. Double decker room with attached bathroom. Facilities are basic but OK and with hot shower…. We need to bring our own towels

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. Another view of the room. You will note there is no aircon as it is already cool and nice at night time Also a picture of one of the 5 training rooms we have available

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Nice big veranda outside the largest meeting and dining hall. Outdoor training is also possible as there is very nice view.

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Was told that you could see Mount Kinabalu from here on a clear day… but not this day To the right the retreat centre from the outside

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Just a nice sunset from where we were having our meeting

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Negotiations are going better and better…notice I have my NEPCon notebook ready to catch the words of wisdom from the elders… a few mountain guides also joined

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A welcome break in negotiations where we try our luck in Darts… Native Chief looking for the dart I think….

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We never made it to the sports and recreation bar

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Bundy Tuhan is a picture of tranquillity and beauty consisting of three villages interspersed with agriculture. Far left is the school that services an area much larger than Bundu Tuhan There are many trails to explore in and around the village

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Here the local clinic if anybody should need

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The outside and inside of the local Dewan (Community Hall). Observe a badminton court And note the stage where we can exchange cultural performances. I will sing the first Danish song so you all know that it is not about beaty and talent…. Its about participating 

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Chief Joseph and I look forward to seeing you in Bundu Tuhan!

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Good Buy to Bundu Tuhan. See you next year

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